Emergency possibly


9 Years
Jul 27, 2014
I have a 2 year old BR hen that hasn't been the same since molting last year she seems worse. Very whimpy doesn't leave the coop much tail feathers always in a down position comb looks good seldom lays eggs. See photo . Any suggestion?


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How long has she been like this?
For months?

When did she last lay an egg?
Also she doesn't walk much she prefers to sit down most of the day and limps when she does walk.
She could be egg bound.
Something is definitely not right with her if she is only 2 and seldom lays eggs.

Is she drinking water and eating fine?
Have you checked her feet for bumblefoot? It affects the bottom of the foot and can cause the limping. It would be best if you took her to a vet so she could have a thorough examination and tests. It's awfully difficult to diagnose a bird over the internet, and limping is just one symptom out of several in your intro.

Marek's disease can also start with limping.

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