
In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 10, 2012
we went out for awhile and came back 2 2 dying chicks. they looked dead but we took them inside and mine started chirping. ni put their beaks in water n they started to drink, but their eyes are still closed and their still acting droopy.nHELP WHAT DSO I D9O
give them corid which kills all strains of cocci while other meds only kill some. corid ASAP should help. sounds like they have coccidosis.
chirpng, standing, drinking, and their kinda opening their eyes. I think theyre ok, i believe they were cold but oh well. is cocci stillk a possiility.
look up coccidosis and see signs, keep a close eye on them lethergie or extreme sleepiness is a sign but use your judgement, i can't see the chicks but you can and know the symptoms better. remember with cocci bloody poo isnt always visiable until later.keeping eyes closed can be a sign. just watch them closely and read on cocci. lifeless drooping head down is a sign. but like i said i can't see them so only you can make that call. if the symptoms do get worse know that corid will help them. keep close watch. see what you think.if not they could just be tired? i can't see the severity of the situation. so just keep an eye on them. hopefully they are ok.but if they start showing symptoms you know what to do.hope this helps
best wishes.

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