EMERGENT!!! Broody killing hatching chicks!


11 Years
May 21, 2008
Concord, NH
I had checked for hatching chicks last night- none. I ran out with excitement this morning- to two mangled dead chicks
Blood and guts all over the inside of the broody coop. She let me remove the dead chicks and take a listen to the other eggs- heard at least one peeping and it had pipped. The questions I have are, did she maul them in the night because she is a first time broody and couldn't see what they were? Will she kill them all? Should I take the other egg out? My incubator is about an hour away. Is there something temporary I could set up for hatching? HELP!!!
Oh my gosh! I have never hatched eggs but I would say take them out! Can you set up a quick brooder with a heat lamp? I would think at this stage, if the eggs are peeping, if you can just get them under a heat lamp they would be fine and they can hatch on their own. I feel so bad for you
I can't imagine finding that.
Although I'm newer at this, I'd take those eggs and put them under lights in the house right now. Our 6 were hatched by caring broodies. One chick was ill and we nurtured it inside and returned it to the pen where she welcomed it back a couple of days later.
I used a cami with a shelf bra- hatched 2.

Take them from her. She doesn't know what's going on and considers them infiltration and a threat. You can try giving her more eggs and she may get it right in 3 weeks, but she won't likely be any better with the one or more left to hatch. I think new moms aren't always hormonally in the 'zone' to accept chicks with their first hatch, and I've had to take them, too. Often they are fine a bit later.

Be very careful about putting chicks in with mamas after a few days- I've had them viciously kill them in seconds because they didn't recognize them.
Update- ran and got the incubator. It is up and running. Hoping to reach a reasonable temp within and hour or so. Just checked on the eggs. The pipped one is only very slightly further along. So I am going to cross my fingers and try leaving the eggs in with her until the bator is up to temp. I had not thought of hatching in my bra... if my husband wasn't home today I would give it a whirl. I don't need him knowing that, true to his suspicions, I actually am crazy. We have only been married 7 months now... I want to keep him around a bit longer!!!
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Mine was well broken in by the time I got busted with eggs in my bra...but I'd already hatched his 'chicks' and they're teen girls, so he gives up- outnumbered.

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