EmTheFishLady is in the hospital again... ~UPDATE: JUNE 9~


Sparkle Magnet
May 6, 2009
Akron, Ohio
I figured instead of going from thread to thread, I might as well post one super thread for everyone's favorite thread hijacker, EmTheFishLady. She's been struck with a serious case of pregnancy, and has some just brutal complications. As of tonight, she's in the hospital for the third time. She's got hyperemesis gravidarum, and has had to have a tube surgically put in so that she can get nutrients, but the tube got put in wrong and needed to be re-inserted. She's also just generally in the hospital right now for feeling so unspeakably awful that there wasn't any other option. So yeah, she feels like crap.

If you're a praying person, please spare some prayers for our beloved Em. If not, just post some well-wishes here. She's very discouraged right now and needs to hear some solid encouragement.

UPDATE 1, June 9:

She's back in. She's got an infection and it's spread to her blood. There's serious talk of removing her colon. She's now constantly on pain meds, though she has been able to eat again. Keep those prayers and well-wishes going!
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Tani, HI! from weird o9ld uncle Sour, and thanks for the update. Em, we're thinking/praying/pulling for you. Terry, you hang in there too.
It's the infection again. You know, the one I told them last week wasn't getting better. They wanted to keep me last night, but said they can't find the infection. They are doing blood cultures, and since they can't treat me until they know what it is, I came home and told them to call me when they figured it out.

Thank you for the prayers and well wishes guys. I'm going to try and tough it out until the blood cultures come back, then I guess we will go from there. 17 weeks down...I really don't want to think of how many to go...
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