Ending the life of a pet chicken without chopping or breaking.


10 Years
Jan 8, 2010
East Texas
Okay I'm sure this type info has been posted before but oh well.

This is for those people out there that are like me. You for some reason must end the life of a chicken you consider a pet. You just can't bring yourself to break "henny's" neck, get sick just thinking about beheading them, or a trip to the vet for euthanasia is not an option.

Well there is another method to end "Henny's" suffering. Co2 euthanasia, yes I know it sounds horrible but when seeing it first hand it is very calm and quick.

The method I use was shown to me by a feeder rat breeder and it works very well.

You take a plastic storage tub with a tight fitting lid, I prefer the translucent tubs so I can make sure everything goes smoothly. You will need about a pound of dry ice, a bowl with a lid, hot water and maybe duct tape depending on your box. Please use an appropriate sized tub for your animal. If it is a larger or taller tub use more ice.

You will need to cut several 1/4th inch holes in the lid of your bowl. The reason for this is so the CO2 can escape but nothing can fall in. Place your dry ice into your bowl and have enough hot water to almost cover the ice ready. Be sure to break your ice into chucks with either a hammer, ice pick or other appropriate tool. Place "Henny" at one end or side of the box, after you have said your goodbyes, place the open bowl with the dry ice in the tub, then pour the hot water over the ice and quick put the lid on the bowl and seal the tub. If your lid is not well fitted have duct tape ready to tape it sealed.

The visible fog will engulf the tub and "Henny" will begin to go to sleep immediately. Do not open the box for at least 10 minutes though just to make sure. Typically they will be gone within a minute or two. With this method they just kind of go to sleep, I have never had one flap or show distress. If the animal does not begin to fall asleep after a few moments there may of not been enough ice, water, not enough seal or wrong sized box.

Please be sure to wear gloves while handling dry ice. It will harm you.

After the deed has been done open the tub in a well ventilated area and check for signs of life. When executed properly this method is very peaceful and effective.
Most larger grocery stores will carry dry ice. Some walmarts I believe also. I get mine from a grocery store called Brookshire's.
Thanks so much! I think I will go this route when the time does come to put one of them down.
Why do you put holes in the top? Surely you want the co2 to stay inside?
The holes are in the lid of the bowl containing the ice and water, to allow the vapor to escape...the bowl is placed into a seal-able bin containing the chicken.

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