Energyless chick

Chicks Galore3

Artistic Bird Nut
11 Years
Dec 16, 2011
I checked on my new chicks this morning (3 day old lavender orpingtons and salmon favorelles.) and found one of the LO face down in the shavings unable to lift her head or move. I'm not sure what's wrong. Everyone else is doing fine. I was able to get the sick one to drink a little bit of water with electrolytes. (I put s spoon if water under her beak and she drank by herself.) She also pooed a little string of yellowing poo. I noticed there was a dark clump of something dried under her vent - would that just be her umbilical chord? ( pretty sure it actually has a different name but I don't know.) She is not opening her eyes. Any clues as to what's the matter or what I can do?
Never mind - she just passed.
Very sorry for your loss, chicks galore. If these chicks were shipped, you may want to make sure they are drinking well and put some SaveAChick or other brand of electrolytes in their water. A drop of NutriDrench is good as well.

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