Entering Coop at Night

They may really start peeping once you close the pop door an turn off the light :D
Use the light for a few more nights then try it without.
Oh, they are always loud peeping when they are about to go to bed, and then all of a sudden they are silent. :lol: I went out and turned the light out and they really went to town peeping but they were already up on the poop deck headed to the roosting bar above! I really can't say thank you enough. You have been such a huge help and a wealth of knowledge on every thread I have posted I think. We are lucky to have you!
It’s a Christmas miracle! Tonight I totally forgot to catch and bring my chicken into the coop until 9 and it was completely dark. I went out expecting everyone screaming their head off. Instead I found all four cuddled in the coop!! I was so excited I used a flashlight to check thru the window to see how they were sleeping, which woke them to and freaked them out…
It’s a Christmas miracle! Tonight I totally forgot to catch and bring my chicken into the coop until 9 and it was completely dark. I went out expecting everyone screaming their head off. Instead I found all four cuddled in the coop!! I was so excited I used a flashlight to check thru the window to see how they were sleeping, which woke them to and freaked them out…
I put the lantern light on for 2 nights and then didn't do it anymore. They went in the very first night with the light and haven't looked back since! So happy they figured it out!
This must be a common problem. My 5 week old chicks won’t go in their coop on their own either. They have started chirping frantically at dusk and huddling near the run door. I put them in the coop and they go right to sleep. We were unable to keep them in the coop for the recommended 2 weeks because of 100degree days here. Maybe because of this they don’t view the coop as home. I would be ok with them sleeping in the run if they didn’t huddle on the edges. I’ve been trying to hand feed them mash in the coop at bedtime so they associate me and the coop with good things. Hasn’t worked yet to get them to go in the coop on their own but they definitely think I’m the source of good things. I can’t go in the run without someone trying to get on my shoulder or lap.
This must be a common problem. My 5 week old chicks won’t go in their coop on their own either. They have started chirping frantically at dusk and huddling near the run door. I put them in the coop and they go right to sleep. We were unable to keep them in the coop for the recommended 2 weeks because of 100degree days here. Maybe because of this they don’t view the coop as home. I would be ok with them sleeping in the run if they didn’t huddle on the edges. I’ve been trying to hand feed them mash in the coop at bedtime so they associate me and the coop with good things. Hasn’t worked yet to get them to go in the coop on their own but they definitely think I’m the source of good things. I can’t go in the run without someone trying to get on my shoulder or lap.
I followed some of the suggestions that were given on this thread and I had great success from it. My girls have gone in on their own after making a few adjustments.

How steep is the slant on the ramp/walkway that goes from the run into the coop? If it is a little steep try putting a log or a brick or something under the end of the ramp that sits on the bottom of the run.

Also, try putting a little lantern or a battery-operated light in the coop just before dark. This teaches them to go into the coop when it gets too dark outside. They will go towards the area where the light is.

I adjusted the ramp with a log and I used the light for a few nights and it worked like a charm. I have not had a single problem with them going in since then.
Success! I turned the heat light on inside the coop and moved the food and water inside the coop just before sunset. Came back an hour later and everyone was snuggled in asleep inside the coop. It’s been working every night since. Once they are older I will switch to a normal light and not move the food and water inside the coop. For now I’ll let them get their routine established.

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