Entertaining chickens

If you use straw for bedding and sprinkle scratch or bird seed over it they will be occupied for a while scratching around.
For my chick right now I toss in a small strip of fabric or 2 and watch them play keep away and tug-o-war. It keeps them amused for a good while.

For the ones out in the pen, I toss in carrot peelings. They play the same games as the little ones jumps a bit more rambunchous.

I have learned that it's not a good idea to take out a treat everytime you go and see them as then they expect it and get all worked up. A surprise treat now and then seems to keep them happy.

I threw in some leaves and dried stuff in 3 different piles along with 3 flakes of hay and I put some pine tree limbs around the base of a pole. They used to like getting in that when they were free. I think that as I weed all the gardens(flower and vegetable) I will throw in all the sod and weeds. Everything is organic material(no chemicals used). I can always replace soil from the garden center. They have settled down a little more today.
I've read that somewhere it's very good to hang vegetables around their home. I heard that they jump up and try to get at it. They get exercise and ntertainment.
My parakeets got sad when my chicks went outside so I put them in the coop (in their cage) and the chicks sit and talk to them.

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