Entire flock abruptly stopped laying for no apparent reason, any ideas why?

I had the same thing happen here! Freaked me out.

I live in the PNW though. Here we had a storm system roll in that caused extremely overcast days. Once the same came out the eggs picked right back again a couple of days later.

I know that's no help to you, but aside from the very dark overcast days there wasn't anything I could chalk it up to.
No eggs again today. It is cold and sunny today. If no one has ideas of the cause, does anybody have any ideas how to get them going again. I REALLY hated going to the grocery store for eggs yesterday!
I would be almost sure that there was some kind of flock-wide stress event, like a predator attack that, luckily, didn't kill anything. I can't imagine what else would cause them all to stop laying at the same exact time.
Some claim hot sauce and pepper on oats or rice will get them started again. I have to admit trying it before, and many did start laying on the third day. I can't guarantee it was the pepper and hot sauce though.
I'm up in Canada and have Rocks as well. They are not really affected with the cold weather and I'm sure our winters are a lot colder then yours. The only thing I can think of is that something is spooking them. Maybe they hear a weird noise at night or during the day when you're gone. Whenever I have my twin niece and nephew over to gather eggs my 15 girls lay considerably less the next day (sometimes almost nothing) because they make so much noise and like to try and pet the chickens. The other thing maybe is if there is an egg eater and others followed. They would eat the shell and everything so there would be no evidence. I heard blowing out an egg and filling it with some mustard helps with that. Maybe try that with an egg and if it gets cracked you know you have egg eaters.

Good Luck!
We also have the same problem. 5 leghorns and 5 rirs with 1 rooster. We figured the weather here in upstate ny must be the reason for it as all birds appear healthy and happy ( and always ready for their treat) We went from 6 or 8 a day to 0 and now we get 1 or 2 if we are lucky maybe once a week. We have gotten a couple very very tiny eggs almost the size of a robins egg which we figured was a sign that one of the non layers were about to start but... no luck. I guess the union got to our birds and they also went on strike!!
Day 11 and.still no more eggs. I'm still as baffled as before. This makes no sense whatsoever. Very frustrated.
No one has mentioned a predator scare. If the flock was badly frightened, it could make them suddenly stop laying.

Have you examined the coop carefully for signs outside of attempted entry by something? It could be as small as a rat. A snake entering the coop at night will terrify the troops. A larger predator, such as a fox, attempting to get inside will keep the girls on edge if it is coming back every night.

I know it's not the right time of year for parasites, but a heavy infestation will definitely put them off laying. I would check the cracks and crevices carefully for hidden blood suckers.
Are the hens getting plenty of light? It is recommended that laying hens get at least 14 hours of light each day. Just a suggestion.

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