Envirogirl11 and Seachick.....this one's for you! :)

Frozen Feathers

12 Years
May 4, 2007
Well, you know that Hiro is desperately in love with Hazel. For those of you who don't know Hazel used to live with Envirogirl11 and Seachick and came to live me last year.

This is a love story of Hazel and Hiro.

Hiro (my mutt roo in my avatar) decided she was now his favorite girl. At first, Hazel wanted nothing to do with Hiro and would fly up on my shoulder hiding from him.
Eventually she gave in and they have been almost inseparable.

Fast forward to spring and I acquired a new guy for my EE's. Poor Hiro was knocked down to second, though he does not fight it, that is except for one girl, his Hazel.

This little chick is proof, that love conquers all.

May I introduce Hazel and Hiro's love child....

Olivia and Stacey, I would love for you to come up with a name for this little cutie.
Aw, Angie, thank you so much for posting this!! I have been having a horrendous day and this really makes me smile!!!!!! I am so happy to se this. Did you incubate the egg or did Hazel sit?
We're off to Envirogirl's band concert but I will show her in the morning!!! Thank you!
No problem!! I thought you and Olivia might get a kick out of seeing the next generation.
Glad it made your day a little better.

Hazel has no interest in being broody, so I incubated these. There is another chick as well that hatched out of one of Hazel's eggs and it has the same extra toes, (will have to get a pic) but looks like Hiro as a chick...how cute is that??

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