Environmentally Unfriendly Pets

Please don't tell me you got an indoor cat.

That is usually the only way a cat can be a freeloader...LOL

cats need to roam and kill those rats and such in the barns. They do a great job of it here. We got some big old southern rats here.
Nothing funnier than seeing a cat and rat go at each other....those rats don't give in easy and sometimes they win!!!!

You know I read on one of those animal sites that de-clawed indoor cats is considered abuse. Yup, one they want to have illegal or something..LOL
WOW---I guess they would have to arrest 3/4 of the population

those animal groups take things pretty far!

Vegans say just owning a pet is abuse and disgusting. No one can OWN a pet cause they are equal to us. Equal and should have our laws and rights available to them. WooF! I sure can't handle that talk. Too much for me.
Vegans say just owning a pet is abuse and disgusting

Is this a small faction of vegans that believe this or is this mainstream?

I ask only because in looking at vegan info this week, I saw web based questions/info about vegans feeding their pets vegan pet food.

I know that many groups have little 'off-shoots' that take on different aspects of the main group. Just curious as to how this whole vegan thing works.
oh it is probably a radical offshoot group

I am sure vegans own pets. But to me abuse is feeding an animal that requires meat vegan foods. but that is my opinion..LOL

But while I think it is an offshoot, I believe many vegans believe this...that animals are our equals. They are not to be owned, used or abused in any fashion for our survival.

I chatted with a radical vegan. What a nut job. She said anyone killing a cat or something should be charged with human law murder. can you go there? I can't..LOL
but she owned pets and hated people owning pets. I asked her why she had 3 dogs and she said they were rescue and if she didn't take them they would have been put to sleep or something. So of course she treats these dogs as humans and her equal. EEEwwww........so I called her a top dog hypocrite...LOL....I had too. Someone saying it is deplorable and yet owns pets but doesn't want others too.......hmmm....
We had an indoor cat but she killed mice for us. So she earned her keep. Not only that but she kept our dogs in line. Well, the dogs except Buster, our beagle. They had a weird interspecies romance going on-she used to bat him food off the counter. Not certain if she wanted to feed him or slowly kill him.
ya, kinda like how he invented the internet...

Snopes.com: Did Al Gore claim that he 'invented' the Internet?
Answer: No.

Actually, I have heard much better defenses of Gore's statement about the internet then this article. Although I really like snopes, they didn't prove the point that they are trying to make. Create and invent do have similar definitions in many people's mind. Yes, you can get nit picky with those two words. And I think that their point about Eisenhower is probably incorrect. If he has said that he had created or invented interstate highways most people would consider him obnoxious. The article seems to do Gore more harm then good.

My own personal viewpoint is that Gore, like a lot of politicians, simply has an overinflated sense of his own importance and said something without thinking. That doesn't mean that he doesn't have some good ideas or wasn't a good candidate.

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