Equal play time for all chicks?


9 Years
Apr 29, 2010
Washington, NC
So, I am trying to play with all 9 of my chicks equally, but... I have one EE (named Spazz) that every time I stick my hand in the brooder.. well, she fly/jumps/scrambles up to me and jumps on my hand (knocking over several of the others in the process), and will not get off. Don't get me wrong, I love this, but.. I feel bad for the others. I don't feel like I am giving them enough attention... Is this bad?
Since I am not guaranteed that my chicks will be that tame no matter how often I play with them, because I think some of it really does have to do with individual personality, I would be super excited if one of mine was that eager to be with me.

I tend to hold mine while watching TV in the evening, on commercials I switch out for a diff. chick.
The closest I get to my hens is when I share the backyard with them while they have their playtime. I don't want to get so close 'cause when mine quit making eggs, they'll have to make soup.
Ha! Not a problem at all! As others said around here, i would be thrilled that my chook wanted to be with me that much.
Some DO say, though, that holding and handling your chickens helps them to be more comfortable around you when they're older. So take turns!
My babies are 5 days old. I have a slikie that will run over and walk into my hand. If she wants extra attention, I will give it to her, but I do try to pick up the rest too.
This is the one that flys up to my hand/arm Her name is Spazz. I have to give her to my wife so I can give the others any attention now hehe
Spazz is definitely my favorite

(this pic is a few days old, I'll try to get another one later)

My "babies" are two YEARS old.
One chick would fly way up to the edge of the brooder so that I would hold her. Most of the others would squeal and try to get away from me. Not Edina. She has always sought out my attention. She knows her name & will fly up onto my arm if I give her the hand signal that tells her it's okay to do so. Is this fair? It just is what it is. Frankly, some birds care for humans, some - not so much.
I have an Astralorp that has done this from day one as well - -

- she is 16 weeks now and flies across the run at me just to sit in my lap and cluck happily!

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