Equal Rights in Malawi, Africa... Sad Story....

My thoughts exactly. I don't care if you're gay, straight, or like both sides of the road, it's illegal. Don't act on it or at least be a little sneakier.
That whole situation is really, really sad.

As for the argument that they should just obey the law...

History is filled with examples of absurd, cruel and bigoted laws. Should those have been obeyed, too? Just because it was "the law"?
Laws are not inherently correct or just.

ETA: I remembered the quote that was floating around my mind earlier when I saw this topic...

"No intelligent man has any respect for an unjust law. He simply follows the eleventh commandment."

The eleventh commandment? Don't get caught.
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It was once against the law for women to vote. should all women have moved out of the country or worked at changing the law? These men where not having public sex, they where arrested after celebrating their engagment. It is sad that in a country where rape is so wide spread 2 people wanting to show their friends and family their love,are given years of hard labor. Rape has very little to do with sex. Aids in Africa is a hetero disease,Most new cases of Aids are young straight women.
and for a long time it was a gay disease here in the US not be cause of orientation but because of risky behavior. Until laws are changed you pays your money and takes your chances .( they got caught ) SO WHAT. Nobody from here is going to be listened to they do not care what westerners think. I never see a glass half full OR a glass half empty . Only a half of a glass
Women changed voting rights by having protests, which were LEGAL. As for "rape has very little to do with sex", um, I'm not quite sure what you mean? Rape is a sexual act where another person is forced into a sexual act.

Definition of rape: the crime of forcing a woman (or man) to submit to sexual intercourse against her will.
How can you change a law thinking like that? If every person who didnt completely agree with laws left, there wouldnt be very many people in the US.

Not trying to start an arguement, just getting a feel for where your coming from.

It must be changed LEGALLY. Participating in an illegal activity will generally keep that act illegal.
Some laws are unjust and they hurt the innocent. We know that there were heroes in Germany that hid Jewish people from their government. Should they have simply followed the law? In our own country there have been people who assisted slaves to escape their masters. They were certainly breaking an unjust law.

Sometimes the moral thing to do is break the law and not follow the rules

I think that this law is unjust and I understand why people would break it. Considering the atmosphere that exists around homosexuality in that country, I can see why people would be afraid to protest the law. The repercussions for being gay must be horrible.

I have a gay cousin. When I was a 18 or 19 she had a conversation with me about her sexual orientation. She let me ask all sorts of questions. To my question of why she was gay, she responded that she would never choose such a lifestyle. She was being very honest. This was twenty years ago when people were even more negative toward homosexuality then they are now.
Women changed voting rights by having protests, which were LEGAL. As for "rape has very little to do with sex", um, I'm not quite sure what you mean? Rape is a sexual act where another person is forced into a sexual act.

Definition of rape: the crime of forcing a woman (or man) to submit to sexual intercourse against her will.

The person committing the rape is usually more concerned with power then sex, legally it is about sex most times it is more about Physically and sexually controlling someone else , that and feelings of inadequacy and a need to prove ones self the rapist that is.......... I am not sure most rapists have much mental capacity.
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