Especially for Redhen

I think you're on to something here. Maybe it tunneled its way out of Gritty's head.
It's so sad Gritsar got taken by the vampire zombie spiders on her birthday.

Imp- Any headaches Gritty?

Wonder if it sucked all my brains out before tunneling out? No headaches yet, but my back hurts. Think it sucked my spinal cord out through the same hole?

Red, I just checked. He/she has moved from the picture frame to the pen cup. Maybe I'll pick him up and feed him to the chicks.
I think you're on to something here. Maybe it tunneled its way out of Gritty's head.
It's so sad Gritsar got taken by the vampire zombie spiders on her birthday.

Imp- Any headaches Gritty?

Wonder if it sucked all my brains out before tunneling out? No headaches yet, but my back hurts. Think it sucked my spinal cord out through the same hole?

Red, I just checked. He/she has moved from the picture frame to the pen cup. Maybe I'll pick him up and feed him to the chicks.

Yes.. yes.. your poor chicks are STARVING!! Poor things.... so hungry...They would love a tasty spider..

And good god.. WHY are you letting that thing loose in your house!!! Do you have a DEATH wish or something??
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Okay, I have a new question. Sometimes they are called "daddy long legs" and sometimes they are called "grand-daddy long legs". How do you tell the differnence? What are we suppose to do, hold them upside down and shake them to see if their brag book falls out?
Good question...
And what do they call the girl spiders?? They cant be daddies...
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I have a 'family' of six of these guys that reside on the back of my mower shed - they never go anywhere far - always back there in the AM and late PM. Grand daddy long legs and daddy long legs are the same spiders - there are a few difference species.

the name difference has to do with locale i believe as most people here I always hear "Grand daddy long legs" but my friends from NY and Ohio call 'em "Daddy Long legs" - lol no idea why theres a difference
Maybe it's the same as the difference between Fireflies and Lightning Bugs!
And my hat's off to Scared of Shadows for letting them live there!

lol I don't mind grand-daddy long legs at all - they are essentially harmless - just creepy looking to most I just think they are funky and wierd - lol.

Anyway I will not kill a grand daddy long leg I will pick 'em up by a leg and toss 'em out the door if they're in the house. You can bet though any other spider is DEAD however -lol. we have brown recluses and black widows around here - and my well house attracts black widows for some reason over anywhere else - so I exterminate the well house every month - lol.
Having lived all over the country I've heard of all the different words to describe bugs and such. We discussed the difference between fireflies and lightning bugs quite a long time ago here on BYC. Fireflys butts light up, lightning bugs (aka clicker bugs) have lights on their heads. Or something like that
Red, DH asked me to share a story with you.

This farmhouse was built by DH's parents, his grandparents, plus him and his brother; although they were very young back then they were expected to work hard too.
Materials for the building were bought as they could afford to buy them, not all at once. That meant for awhile they lived in the house without a roof on it, just large canvas tarps ala pioneer style.
DH says that during the summer the grand-daddy longlegs would get in the house by the hundreds. They'd fall on their faces while they were sleeping. He said at first they'd wake up, scrambling to get them off but as time went on they'd slap them off without ever really waking up.

I sic'd the cat on this one. Feel better now?

(Thanks for the birthday wishes y'all

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