Ethelwulf City - A dog/wolf RP (Remake)

Kalista looked over her shoulder and grinned at Andre. She went inside the classroom and took a seat.
(Did you see my reply on our RP?)

Natalia ran down the hall, trying to get to archery. She was late, when suddenly she slammed right into Jake. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!!!" Horrified of herself, she scrambled to help pick up the things he'd dropped as well as her own, her quiver had busted and scattered her arrows everywhere. Her bow was safely tucked in it's bowcase, however, unharmed. "I am so, so sorry!!!"
(I spelled her name wrong :O I remember it had a weird spelling.) Natalya picked up a broken arrow, putting it in her bag. "Natalya. Natalya ---"
"JULIANES!!!" A roar came from not far. "Why are you NOT IN THE GYM?!"
"I'm sorry, so so sorry!!! You see, I --"
"Yes sir!!!" And she dashed off, picking up the arrows unbroken.

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