Euclid laws


In the Brooder
Jun 25, 2019
hi there! I just heard that there is a new bill passed that applies to all Ohio. It allows people to raise chickens, goats, and rabbits as long as there is no complaints.
Anyone know if this is for sure?
We just moved to Euclid and are having trouble find the exact ordinance for backyard chickens.
Call the state and ask, or if you’re brave try to navigate their website. Or you could try, respectfully and in all courtesy toward your neighbors, to do the things you’d like to do as quietly and unobtrusively as possible. Tall opaque (and attractive) fencing is your friend whether you’re keeping a low profile or simply being considerate of your neighbors.

Just keep your operation to a scale appropriate to your resources. If you have a city lot you might keep half a dozen hens or many more quail and/or rabbits. In fact you could probably provide all your animal protein needs on quail and rabbits alone. You probably shouldn’t consider roosters for obvious reasons, or ducks (noisy, messy), or goats (need more space), and so on. If you have 20 acres in the country, your options expand accordingly.
Haven't heard about the law you are talking about. However, Ohio seems to be poultry friendly.

If in the city limits - you need to find out their restrictions in writing. If in an HOA, then you need to see what those HOA docs indicate (usually restrictive). If in a township, see what they say.

as @CindyinSD indicates, coturnix quail and rabbits are other possible sources of proteins. We had quail in our garage and were overrun with eggs with about 30 quail in 6 cages. The males do crow, but if you keep them in a building, should not cause neighbor problems. Can only keep females too, so no crowing. Rabbit poop is great for garden and is not "hot", so can apply immediately.

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