Ever eat chili dogs at 0400am?

It's a good thing folks can't smell your breath on the other end of the phone line.

They might end up having to call 9-1-1!


It's been ages since I've had Chili Dogs... making a mental note.

Hope the Immodium works
Did you heat them up? The secret to leftovers is getting all components hot enough to kill any lingering bacteria.

If it is a chilidog we are gonna eat it. It is one of our most favorite foods - with a side of slaw - but I put my slaw on top of the chili.
Yes, it was bubbling and sizzling...

It's probably because I've been eating healthy for three months and then I go throw something like Hormel chili in the mix and my body went through shock. .... I still feel it cursing at me... LOL

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