Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

the "needing to be done" can wait missy--settle down and take 800 Ibuprophin!

Don't take 800 Ibuprofen...we don't want you checking out on us. Maybe take 4 (that's 800 mg).

thats what I meant you goofball! LOL I never take pain meds and if I do 800mgs are my max no codiene-or all those other gut wrentching drugs bleah they make me hurl
Good Morning!

No baby ducks yet. She is still sitting on them though, so I don't know. It is pretty cold, they may never hatch and she might sit there all winter.

How was everyone's weekend?
I hope she hatches at least a couple

Weekend here flew by, but they usually do. Friday of course was shopping in the city. Saturday was the Christmas Stroll, it was so cold that we enjoyed it in bits and pieces, spending time at the in laws in between to warm up. FIL thinks I am nuts because I would run out and start the pickup to keep Rocky warm. But it was windy and below 0 and the silly boy won't go in the heated dog house like Ginger, So it is just better to take him, and he loves to just lay in the pickup. I did buy a tin sign at the craft fair on Saturday. It has a chick on it and is styled to "look" old. Pretty cute. It is for the new flocks house. They have that cool old coop and I can't wait to decorate it a bit. Yesterday we took the boys (F and Raymond) to lunch and then visited the inlaws a bit more, then came home and played Apples to Apples. Kenny beat us in a big way

How was yours?
My weekend was pretty quiet and not too bad at all. Like yours, it flew by. Saturday we baked ornaments so Des could take them for her babysitting kids to do Saturday night. I also made Thunder some dog cookies, but he wasn't too impressed with them although Jasper loved them! We made sugar cookies again last night and bowled. Other than a little bit of football, that was about it.

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