Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

A lot of times at shows you have to work out of your vehicle. So it is nice to be able to open it up as much as possible while the dogs are crated inside. I have a big shade cloth I use to keep the temp down. They get buckets of water and their own crate fans. Hot dogs don't work well!

I'll get a pic of the back of the van and post it. Standard dog show set up.
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Then you need one of those Aztecs that has the tent that goes right on the back of it! I thought those were really cool when they first came out, now I go back and forth on whether they are ugly or cute, depending on my mood. But, it would be handy in your case! I have transported many animals in my van, haven't done much since I got the truck. I am looking forward to getting a livestock rack for the back so the girls (goats) can go for rides again. When they were babies, no problem, now it would be a problem!

What all kinds of dogs do you have?
You all were chatty while I was on the SM!

Charmed- As far as taking advantage of the time, I have a feeling there will be some practising going on

Buff- Onion rings are one of my favorite foods
Maybe thats what we will have for supper, just onion rings!

Brindle- I know what you mean, I ma the packer too. He will say, I don't know where you think you are going to put that. Ya know what? I always find a place. All I need him to do is pack it pout to the camper, then get out of my way

Chickboss- Welcome!!

Michelle- I want to take Rocky soooo bad! I am trying to let it be Kenny's idea though. That way if it turns out to be a pain, I don't have to take all the blame
We haven't taken him yet. Last trip we boarded him and the poor thing peed himself while we were trying to get him in the kennel at the vet. He was SO happy to see us when we got back and I did not stop feeling bad about it all weekend. I really don't think he will be any trouble. He is so well behaved and mellow. Ginger on the other hand is just the opposite! She likes to stay home though and does not get boarded. She is our chicken and now Guinea protector. She may not be big enough to fend of some animals, but her shrill high pitched barking will annoy the heck out of anything that comes near!!

For Brindle, Buff and Chick boss. Here are some pics of our spoiled beloved dogs/extra children!

Rocky and Ginger


Rocky. We adopted him in March. He is 4 and such a perfect gentleman!~


Ginger is also 4 and we have had her for over 3 years. She is a cuddle bug but a little B*tchy!!
Same kind as in my avatar. American Staffordshire Terriers.

The one and only wonderful Bill

Talented Maggie

Old dogs that have passed
Thank you! We love them all dearly.

And I bet they aren't near as crazy as the old dog I have!

No, I wouldn't term anybody "crazy"!

Maggie can be a handful, but she is coming around. We got her late, from a breeder that died, and she was TOTALLY uncivilized. No manners at all. But she has turned into a great, trustworthy house dog and will be a wonderful worker. She has decided she really wants to work with me. Really tries and is extremely bright.

Bill is just the sweetest dog. He is very sincere!
Thank you charmed one.

Bill does agility, tracking and obedience. He has earned his first tracking dog title and is in Excellent level agility. He'll be showing in obedience at the National Specialty this October, as well as agility.

Maggie is currently learning agility and obedience and will track later. She is going to be a great tracker.
Thank you charmed one.

Bill does agility, tracking and obedience. He has earned his first tracking dog title and is in Excellent level agility. He'll be showing in obedience at the National Specialty this October, as well as agility.

Maggie is currently learning agility and obedience and will track later. She is going to be a great tracker.

That is so neat! I must say, I am very impressed!

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