Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?


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Debi--Did you see the pic of my new goat??

Does he sound like a rooster??
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Debi--Did you see the pic of my new goat??

Does he sound like a rooster??

I can't say he sounds like a rooster, but the other day I swore someone left a baby on my front step!
Kelly is this your first ?? inducement? I was induced 2x-Got induced...got ncomfortable...got my water broke and pop hour later my little peanut was born-3 hr 13 min utes start to finish! second one same thing 3 hrs+ so happy for you girl/ boy??

Yes, this will be my first! I'm excited, nervous, scared, and a whole other host of emotions thanks to my whacky hormones. It's a little boy...we haven't decided on the name yet...guess we need to hurry up! I hope my labor goes as fast as yours! I go in Friday night for cervadil, then they'll start the pitocin Saturday morning. And shortly after that I'll get my epidural!
The only "concern" I had to tell my doc yesterday at my appt was that I wanted to MAKE SURE I got that epidural!
Kelly is this your first ?? inducement? I was induced 2x-Got induced...got ncomfortable...got my water broke and pop hour later my little peanut was born-3 hr 13 min utes start to finish! second one same thing 3 hrs+ so happy for you girl/ boy??

Yes, this will be my first! I'm excited, nervous, scared, and a whole other host of emotions thanks to my whacky hormones. It's a little boy...we haven't decided on the name yet...guess we need to hurry up! I hope my labor goes as fast as yours! I go in Friday night for cervadil, then they'll start the pitocin Saturday morning. And shortly after that I'll get my epidural!
The only "concern" I had to tell my doc yesterday at my appt was that I wanted to MAKE SURE I got that epidural!

My oldest was also an induced baby. They told me it would still take hours before she arrived. We almost didn't make it to the delivery room because they didn't believe me and she came so fast. My second one was natural but he hurried right on out also. I told hubby if we had a third one I should probably camp out at the hospital around my delivery date to make sure we were there on time! I didn't have an epidural for either one of mine so I don't know much about that.
Kelly is this your first ?? inducement? I was induced 2x-Got induced...got ncomfortable...got my water broke and pop hour later my little peanut was born-3 hr 13 min utes start to finish! second one same thing 3 hrs+ so happy for you girl/ boy??

Yes, this will be my first! I'm excited, nervous, scared, and a whole other host of emotions thanks to my whacky hormones. It's a little boy...we haven't decided on the name yet...guess we need to hurry up! I hope my labor goes as fast as yours! I go in Friday night for cervadil, then they'll start the pitocin Saturday morning. And shortly after that I'll get my epidural!
The only "concern" I had to tell my doc yesterday at my appt was that I wanted to MAKE SURE I got that epidural!

Ok not to put bad thoughts in your mind because Im sure all will go well but the cervidil did NADA for me-shoot my sneezes were more powerfull...lol and the epidural I didnt do for my first all natural baby! Then I decided since my second was going to be my last child-I would ask for an epidural. yah ...umm ....lets just say that didnt work out either -lol
Yes, this will be my first! I'm excited, nervous, scared, and a whole other host of emotions thanks to my whacky hormones. It's a little boy...we haven't decided on the name yet...guess we need to hurry up! I hope my labor goes as fast as yours! I go in Friday night for cervadil, then they'll start the pitocin Saturday morning. And shortly after that I'll get my epidural!
The only "concern" I had to tell my doc yesterday at my appt was that I wanted to MAKE SURE I got that epidural!

Ok not to put bad thoughts in your mind because Im sure all will go well but the cervidil did NADA for me-shoot my sneezes were more powerfull...lol and the epidural I didnt do for my first all natural baby! Then I decided since my second was going to be my last child-I would ask for an epidural. yah ...umm ....lets just say that didnt work out either -lol

Quit trying to scare the poor girl! Don't listen to her, Kelly. Everyone is different. I'm sure everything will be just fine. Can't wait to see the new baby pics! Don't forget us!
Well, regardless, I'm sure that little puppy will pop right out! Good luck and remember we are all sending the best of positive thoughts to you and the baby all day Saturday! It'll be over before you know it! Just remember all of us are really thinking of you and baby!

I really hope your hubby lets us know! Do you think you can get him to do that? We are going to be on pins and needles waiting to hear!
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