Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

Well, it was the bar at Trader Vic's in the old Shamrock Hilton in Houston. It isn't there anymore. It was a GREAT place!
We had the wedding and drinking and the reception and drinking and drinking all in one place. Great food, too.

edited to add: I met him in highschool. We've been married 26 years.
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lololololololololololololololololololololololo-yup wrong thread:) See what happens when you pipe up on another thread? It gets closed. I guess I should have tamed my mouth a little but sometimes and I think this was my first on BYC that I ever truly spoke my mind-

post pictures Brindle-we can sex for yah???

I posted it on the gender thread and everybody kept insisting that dang big frizzled giant cochin rooster, whom I adored, was a pullet. So I kept her and got good and attached and she belts out a crow!
I mean belt one out! That boy has some vocal cords!
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No one posted for hours!!!! I kept a waitin.

HOWDY back at ya!
This bunch does seem to go to bed early. I just got back from work and figured I'd check BYC while I cool down and dry off from sweating like a pig.
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Kelly is this your first ?? inducement? I was induced 2x-Got induced...got ncomfortable...got my water broke and pop hour later my little peanut was born-3 hr 13 min utes start to finish! second one same thing 3 hrs+ so happy for you girl/ boy??
butch hens. anybody make little hen-ny leather jackets?

No, but I would like to see pics of that!

Well, I'm a newbie to quail, really! Just a few weeks of quail owning time. I had chickens for about 30 years, with maybe a 3 year gap in there. I also had ducks & geese for a few years. These are a very different experience, so far, and one I'm enjoying.

I have buttons & coturnix. I've posted pictures of their houses elsewhere on the boards, but will link to some anyway & will post a couple pictures I took today of some of my birds. Some of the cages don't photograph well due to angles, but I got some of the birds to cooperate!

This is the aviary I built. One side has coturnix quail. The other side has buttons. I also have 3 other pens plus a dog carrier (soft sided) with button quail in them. The dog carrier is today's addition, to separate a guy that wasn't getting along with the others!


Here are a couple of closer shots:



And, here are the coturnix (Japanese Quail):



Here are some of the button quail. For a size comparison, notice the 2x3 board (actual measurements are 1.5 x 2.5, for those who don't know lumber):



These are what my other cages look like. There are 4, 5, and 6 birds in them, depending on group dynamics.

Eggs: Supermarket Medium Chicken egg, Coturnix Egg, Button Quail Egg, Medium Blueberry (HA HA)


Little tiny brass bucket -- my egg bucket. Hey, they are small eggs!


Thank you so much for sharing with us! Those eggs are adorable!
Seriously?? We spent $ 500.00 on our wedding .. lol Immediate family only .. a gazebo and some barbeque .. we already owned the motorcycle. I did my own hair, and both my daughters .. spent less than 80.00 on the dress at a discount bridal place .. we bought the guys shirts a JC Penney..

Funny thing, though, a train track ran less than a block from the gazebo and halfway through our (very short) ceremony the train came by and the whistle blew and blew and bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. We got the giggles .. I understand it's supposed to be "good luck" for a train to blow during your wedding ??
OK Rozzie .. I'm sooooooooo intrigued.

How many birds can you keep in on of those aviaries? (the red ones) .. and I just LOVE the other little cage. I understand that quail (at least some) dont' perch, so it's ok to keep them in very short cages without perches.

I am toying with having some .. just haven't done all the research .. (and also still need to finish our proper chicken coop first)

Love the egg egg egg egg egg blueberry pic .. !!

Oh my! Woo-hoo! Tell your hubby to give us updates!

We used to have a neighbor that had all her kids at home with a midwife! All 4!

I used to walk the dogs at 5 am every morning. One morning Bill (the neighbor) came running out with this little tiny sticky baby to show me and the dogs. It was so cute because he was so happy and proud. The dogs were like 'holy cow what on earth' but were very very respectful and gentle. I couldn't believe he was showing his newborn to my dogs!

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