Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

Helllo peeps! I dont know how the Xmas decorating will be in my house this year either with the new dog! He tears everything apart! Il have to get a sturdy baby gate I guess??? He still has his cone on from getting fixed which I will take off when I get home tomorrow night:)
Tomorrow night? Trips sometimes don't seem long enough do they? You could try putting the tree on a table or in a playpen or something. I always just put mine up like usual and spend the holiday season yelling and beating the cats within an inch of their lives!

Speaking of decorating, the courthouse right outside my window looks beautiful today. It is lined on all 4 sides with flags to honor Veteran's Day!
Tomorrow night? Trips sometimes don't seem long enough do they? You could try putting the tree on a table or in a playpen or something. I always just put mine up like usual and spend the holiday season yelling and beating the cats within an inch of their lives!

Speaking of decorating, the courthouse right outside my window looks beautiful today. It is lined on all 4 sides with flags to honor Veteran's Day!

Isn't that neat! I drove through the little town I live outside this morning and saw flags on all of the telephone poles that line the main drag. Maybe 30 flags in all. It is really neat to see. Which reminds me..there is one house that hangs their tree upside down. They hang one on their front porch and one in their front window. The only thing I could see is that the cats would have a permanent roost that wouldn't fall when they climbed.
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Tomorrow night? Trips sometimes don't seem long enough do they? You could try putting the tree on a table or in a playpen or something. I always just put mine up like usual and spend the holiday season yelling and beating the cats within an inch of their lives!

Speaking of decorating, the courthouse right outside my window looks beautiful today. It is lined on all 4 sides with flags to honor Veteran's Day!

Isn't that neat! I drove through the little town I live outside this morning and saw flags on all of the telephone poles that line the main drag. Maybe 30 flags in all. It is really neat to see. Which reminds me..there is one house that hangs their tree upside down. They hang one on their front porch and one in their front window. The only thing I could see is that the cats would have a permanent roost that wouldn't fall when they climbed.

You guys thanks for the good laughs! Im so ready to go home now though-Ive been calling the kids 1 -2 times a day and they are getting sick of it! I asked if my DD -who is in charge of egg collection- how many she got today and she says 4! I said no hunny your not checking all over in their house-theres 30+ hens in there-she's yelling saying no mom theres only 4 --"oh and mom..Im letting Blueberry brrod on 4 eggs too"! I said what? no hunny get those eggs out Im not hatching anything for a long time"-she says well you said we maybe could so Ive been letting her sit on them since youve been gone! ahhhhh---now come on theres no way I cant not let her sit on them since there 5 days in! ahhh...why cant people just stick to what is asked-my whole work crowd is going to pot too! the calls and emails started today!
We experienced this only once and it was in Washington DC. I was horrified to see so many homeless and they too were right outside our very nice hotel. Up the street was "chinatown", not so nice neighborhood. We would walk up there to Walgreens and the homeless would open the door for you with one hand and hold out the cup with the other. And, no, you don't smoke in public or you will be harassed. I remember it was Colton and I by ourselves one evening, he was 11 at the time and people were following us and yelling at me wanting cigarettes. He (and I) were scared to death and didn't go out by ourselves again!

We didn't help. I am torn by that. I am not saying you were wrong, but I am one of those skeptical people. It is hard to say no, but without knowing a background, I am a little hesitant to to hand out. I will stop now rather than get on my soap box.

Anyway, So glad you are coming home soon! Do you have to work tomorrow or rest up? (like there is any rest after coming home from being away!)
Good morning everyone! It is hard to believe Christmas is right around the corner. We are considering a new artificial tree this year too. I had a pre lit one and I hated the thing so much that I gave it away when I moved. Since Ken and I have been together we have always had real trees. We have so little space that the tree has to be a perfect size. We saw a slim one at Sams Club and are considering that. The problem with the lighted one (well 1 of the problems) was I had kittens in the house and the would climb up the center of the thing and chew through the wires. I went through alot of green electricians tape!
Don't you just love the way cats can chase tree ornaments through the house??!! Two years ago I bought a package of 100 plastic, but look like glass, at Sams for $35! I swear pets are like having toddlers in the house!!

I haven't pulled out my Christmas CD yet! A few years ago Raymond and Ken bought me the Twisted Sister Christmas! Unless you came of age in the 80's you probably wouldn't appreciate it, but I love it!
We were watching TV a few days ago and could not believe all the Christmas commercials already! Its insane. I really could just skip Christmas but dear hubby loves it! We found out yesterday that my in-laws will be in New Mexico for the holiday. I want to go with them!! But no< we will haul everything to the "city" an hour away to stay in my SIL crowded little house with their 4 kids and a whole bunch of her husbnads family and tons of people we don't know.
I am just not a crowd person. Drives me nuts and stresses me out! I guess I can't complain though. We only have Raymond every other year and he would rather be wioth his cousins instead od home with just us. Besides last year we din,t go anywhewre and of course Raymond was gone so we had naked Christmas!!
Well thats what we told everyone that asked us! We just lazed around the house all day and Ken cooked crab and a scallop pasta dish. It was wonderful, and quiet!!

NY it sounds to me like your daughter had a trick up her sleeve by letting your hen set while you were gone!!
Thats pretty funny! All the homless would upset and scare me at the same time. It is sad and frustrating all in one. You can't help but wonder how they ended up there. Unfortunatley though with this economy alot of people are just a paycheck away from the streets. With Raymond medical bills we ran into major $ trouble and are extrememly lucky that our land is family owned and my FIL is understanding. Had we skipped payments to the bank we would not have been homless but we could not have stayed here.

The DR finally called yesterday afternoon. Raymond is to start back on the seizure med today and see the a neouroligist as soon as possible. We will see whichever one can get us in the soonest. They said it probablly was a seizure but it is odd that he would have one this late in the game. It was more likley to happen in the first year which is why he came home on the medication. The good news is Raymond feels fine and is his smiley mischevious self!!

Well I need to get to the shop and process a deer! Catch up with you later!!
I am pretty good this morning. We have the football banquet tonight. The coach talks and talks forever, but it is always lets of wonderful food! Thunder is doing great. Back to his old self, if not more lovable towards me.

I am glad Raymond is doing great and the doctor finally called. Hopefully they can get him all straightened out again.

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