Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

Destiny is writing a book?!!! How cool is that!! I tried to write a book about 10 years ago. I got stuck on chapter 3 and quit! Tell her to stay with it!! I use to take pictures of Janet Dailey's house in Branson and say, "That will be me some day!" Yea, right........Well it was a nice thought, anyway.

Go! Destiny Go!
I read true crime books. Ann Rule is my favorite author. Hubby always teases me that it makes hm nervous that I read about all these murders, I tell him to just behave himself and he won't need to worry about it!!

When I do get a chance to read, those are my favorites! Give me a good true crime, especially Ann Rule! Makes my hubby nervous too!
Not Ann Rule, but have you ever read The Copeland Murders? It is about the old couple that would pick up transients, get them involved in a cattle scheme, kill them and bury them on their property? That is not far at all from here and I have seen some of the properties. They are the oldest people in America ever to be sentenced to death. http://crime.about.com/od/murder/p/copelands.htm
I read true crime books. Ann Rule is my favorite author. Hubby always teases me that it makes hm nervous that I read about all these murders, I tell him to just behave himself and he won't need to worry about it!!

When I do get a chance to read, those are my favorites! Give me a good true crime, especially Ann Rule! Makes my hubby nervous too!
Not Ann Rule, but have you ever read The Copeland Murders? It is about the old couple that would pick up transients, get them involved in a cattle scheme, kill them and bury them on their property? That is not far at all from here and I have seen some of the properties. They are the oldest people in America ever to be sentenced to death. http://crime.about.com/od/murder/p/copelands.htm

Ok........I'm not meeting you two anywhere!
When I do get a chance to read, those are my favorites! Give me a good true crime, especially Ann Rule! Makes my hubby nervous too!
Not Ann Rule, but have you ever read The Copeland Murders? It is about the old couple that would pick up transients, get them involved in a cattle scheme, kill them and bury them on their property? That is not far at all from here and I have seen some of the properties. They are the oldest people in America ever to be sentenced to death. http://crime.about.com/od/murder/p/copelands.htm

Ok........I'm not meeting you two anywhere!


I remember reading one book when I was pregnant with Colton. It was about a lady who kidnapped a pregnant woman, took her to the desert (Arizona maybe?) and cut the baby out of her stomach with a car key and left her to die. I didn't sleep for about a week and hubby took all books away from me until after delivery!
He knows anytime I get into something, he will eventually get drug into it too! This was not my fault though. I volunteer to help Christine and he is always right there and doing enough to show he knows what he is doing, so he tag, he's it!
She will be around for questions, but she wants to be in it this year...and it will keep him out!!
I am sure Ronnie will talk him into it and help him also. It is just the rest of us are so busy with board work we can't free up to take care of too many other things, so we need outside help. I also told Ronnie a few weeks ago that he needs to tell hubby I need another baby goat next year so we will have a little one for the petting zoo!

Speaking of my spoiled little goats, 3 days in a row I get home and Miss Bella has her head stuck in the fence.
She sees me and makes it that much worse trying to get to me. I go into the pen, Destiny stands outside trying to push her in, the turkey comes over and starts pecking at her and Bailey just jumps right on top of her!
I need to get that fixed this weekend. It has been in the same area, you would think she would learn!

Thats one of those moments when you are glad there is nobody around with a video camera!
When I do get a chance to read, those are my favorites! Give me a good true crime, especially Ann Rule! Makes my hubby nervous too!
Not Ann Rule, but have you ever read The Copeland Murders? It is about the old couple that would pick up transients, get them involved in a cattle scheme, kill them and bury them on their property? That is not far at all from here and I have seen some of the properties. They are the oldest people in America ever to be sentenced to death. http://crime.about.com/od/murder/p/copelands.htm

Ok........I'm not meeting you two anywhere!

Oh Charmed, don't be a
!!! That sounds like a great book! I am going to hop over to paperback swap and look for it! I have 2 sitting here I need to get started. Neither are Ann Rule, but she is still my favorite. I actually got an email from her years ago. She wrote about the Green River Killer. A good friend of mine, his daughter was a victim. Unfortunately she had become a lost sole and turned to drugs and prostitution. Still, as any parent would he loved her dearly and has never been the same since she died. Ann handled the details so delicately and quoted the family to a perfect T. It was the only time I felt close to the subject of one of her books. Although I never met the girl who died her sister was in my graduating class and in later years her father and I became very good friends.. I posted a picture a while back from my class reunion, she was the Native American girl. I wrote to Ann to thank her for being so respectful of my friends privacy and feelings and to commend her on a job well done. I posted it on her web site and wasn't even sure if she read those things! I was tickled pink to hear back from her!! Have you read the one about Ted Bundy? She was friends with him and worked along side of him while he was committing these crimes.
Then went on to write about him. How spooky!
I read true crime books. Ann Rule is my favorite author. Hubby always teases me that it makes hm nervous that I read about all these murders, I tell him to just behave himself and he won't need to worry about it!!

I LOVE Ann Rule!

When I first started reading her books, I lived in San Diego and I swore I would NEVER live in the Pacific Northwest.

Then I moved to Portland and I actually emailed her to tell her that. And I told her how even though I have read her books over and over, each time I get up and check to make sure all the doors and windows are locked! She emailed me back!!

Patricia Cornwell books, at least the first 5 or 6 of the Scarpetta series scare me into checking doors and windows as well.
Ok........I'm not meeting you two anywhere!

Oh Charmed, don't be a
!!! That sounds like a great book! I am going to hop over to paperback swap and look for it! I have 2 sitting here I need to get started. Neither are Ann Rule, but she is still my favorite. I actually got an email from her years ago. She wrote about the Green River Killer. A good friend of mine, his daughter was a victim. Unfortunately she had become a lost sole and turned to drugs and prostitution. Still, as any parent would he loved her dearly and has never been the same since she died. Ann handled the details so delicately and quoted the family to a perfect T. It was the only time I felt close to the subject of one of her books. Although I never met the girl who died her sister was in my graduating class and in later years her father and I became very good friends.. I posted a picture a while back from my class reunion, she was the Native American girl. I wrote to Ann to thank her for being so respectful of my friends privacy and feelings and to commend her on a job well done. I posted it on her web site and wasn't even sure if she read those things! I was tickled pink to hear back from her!! Have you read the one about Ted Bundy? She was friends with him and worked along side of him while he was committing these crimes.
Then went on to write about him. How spooky!

I ordered it! Hubby is really going to be concerned when he sees I have 3 new Murder mysteries to read!!

Oh Terrie I know what you mean! I actually had to stop reading her books for a while when I was single. I had been reading one right after another and was having some very warped dreams!! Thats great that she emailed you back too! She seems like such a nice person. Did you know her daughter is an Author as well?

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