Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

Having a hard working teenager is a blessing and a curse all rolled into one! I have a lazy child and a work horse, to each extreme! And the chickens actually belong to Colton. He built both coops and the runs with all recycled materials, bought the chickens and pays for all the food as his FFA project. He does still owe us money, but offers to pay us back and we haven't bought anything for quite a while for them. Instead, he will go buy grain for my goats or food for the guineas, geese and ducks or anything I send him for and usually pay with his own money. He doesn't have a job, but he will work for money. He cuts wood, changes oil, anything he is needed for and he is dependable. That much I can brag about.
However, the curse is when he gets in his head something needs done, he will not let it rest until it is done. He will ride you until he gets his way. I guess you would call him a "motivator". Destiny will not do anything unless it is her idea or you absolutely make her do it.
Today is the absolute last day I will go to the store to get anything this week! I hate going to the store before holidays, incoming snow, etc. This town is mostly old people and it drives me absolutely bonkers to fight them to get what I want! However, tomorrow I will probably be at Wal-Mart (yet again) to food shop with my sister. Good news is that the older generation prefers Hy-Vee and hasn't discovered it is much cheaper to go to WM! Good Luck out there! It is brutal here!

I have been shopping on Black Friday for the last 4 or 5 years. I can handle the "before Thanksgiving" crowd! Thanks for worring about me, though.

I have skipped Black Friday the last few years, but I am up to the challenge again this year!
Having a hard working teenager is a blessing and a curse all rolled into one! I have a lazy child and a work horse, to each extreme! And the chickens actually belong to Colton. He built both coops and the runs with all recycled materials, bought the chickens and pays for all the food as his FFA project. He does still owe us money, but offers to pay us back and we haven't bought anything for quite a while for them. Instead, he will go buy grain for my goats or food for the guineas, geese and ducks or anything I send him for and usually pay with his own money. He doesn't have a job, but he will work for money. He cuts wood, changes oil, anything he is needed for and he is dependable. That much I can brag about.
However, the curse is when he gets in his head something needs done, he will not let it rest until it is done. He will ride you until he gets his way. I guess you would call him a "motivator". Destiny will not do anything unless it is her idea or you absolutely make her do it.

Raymond is more like Destiny then. He is pretty bad though. If you make him do something you can tell him step by step and he still does it half backsideed because he just doesn't want too. He is actually afraid of the chickens so I don't even try anymore. I have noticed that he has been surprising me lately by doing an exceptional job on the dishes and complaining less about his chores. He really is a good kid he just isn't a self motivator. I do blame myself a little though. I raised him by my self starting when he was 4. So he saw me doing all the chores, including the "boy" ones. Garbage, snow shoveling and it just seemed easier to do it all myself, at the time......
Having a hard working teenager is a blessing and a curse all rolled into one! I have a lazy child and a work horse, to each extreme! And the chickens actually belong to Colton. He built both coops and the runs with all recycled materials, bought the chickens and pays for all the food as his FFA project. He does still owe us money, but offers to pay us back and we haven't bought anything for quite a while for them. Instead, he will go buy grain for my goats or food for the guineas, geese and ducks or anything I send him for and usually pay with his own money. He doesn't have a job, but he will work for money. He cuts wood, changes oil, anything he is needed for and he is dependable. That much I can brag about.
However, the curse is when he gets in his head something needs done, he will not let it rest until it is done. He will ride you until he gets his way. I guess you would call him a "motivator". Destiny will not do anything unless it is her idea or you absolutely make her do it.

Raymond is more like Destiny then. He is pretty bad though. If you make him do something you can tell him step by step and he still does it half backsideed because he just doesn't want too. He is actually afraid of the chickens so I don't even try anymore. I have noticed that he has been surprising me lately by doing an exceptional job on the dishes and complaining less about his chores. He really is a good kid he just isn't a self motivator. I do blame myself a little though. I raised him by my self starting when he was 4. So he saw me doing all the chores, including the "boy" ones. Garbage, snow shoveling and it just seemed easier to do it all myself, at the time......

Destiny is my fault. I have never really "made" her do anything. She is capable and will help me, but no initiative. Her room habitually looks like a tornado hit. I keep telling her I am afraid the cat will get lost in there!
Today is the absolute last day I will go to the store to get anything this week! I hate going to the store before holidays, incoming snow, etc. This town is mostly old people and it drives me absolutely bonkers to fight them to get what I want! However, tomorrow I will probably be at Wal-Mart (yet again) to food shop with my sister. Good news is that the older generation prefers Hy-Vee and hasn't discovered it is much cheaper to go to WM! Good Luck out there! It is brutal here!

I have been shopping on Black Friday for the last 4 or 5 years. I can handle the "before Thanksgiving" crowd! Thanks for worring about me, though.

I have done black Friday 3 times I cant go this year
Theres a few things I would get but I have to work on Friday!!! First time in 8 years Ive worked the day after-I would go at 2 in the morning with my SIL and plot our maps in the malls we would be the first in line and shop like freaks-she always had 3-4 thousand dollars to spend I had 1 grand and do just as good-she burns up the accounts on that day!!! Her hubby just hands her a wad of cash ahhhh...killed me to see that! Jealous is all. lol.... will be a little more bleak this year but the girls get what they want-at least some of what they want-oldest got a ipod touch for her bday and that was a nightmare. I got it in the mail the day before her bday and it was supposed to be brand new untouched-she opens it and it was so used up it wasnt funny scratches up the ying yang. I emailed the company and apparently they got a shipment of refurbished mixed with thteir new ones and I was the unlucky one who got the used one! I was furious for my DD. I told them I wanted a refund or an upgrade to a brand new one twice as much memory-and they said yes! DD will have to wait an extra week but when she found out they did a 100$ upgrade she was so excited-yeah. waiting for my DH to get home from camp to chat and have youngest DD open bday gifts...
Raymond is more like Destiny then. He is pretty bad though. If you make him do something you can tell him step by step and he still does it half backsideed because he just doesn't want too. He is actually afraid of the chickens so I don't even try anymore. I have noticed that he has been surprising me lately by doing an exceptional job on the dishes and complaining less about his chores. He really is a good kid he just isn't a self motivator. I do blame myself a little though. I raised him by my self starting when he was 4. So he saw me doing all the chores, including the "boy" ones. Garbage, snow shoveling and it just seemed easier to do it all myself, at the time......

Destiny is my fault. I have never really "made" her do anything. She is capable and will help me, but no initiative. Her room habitually looks like a tornado hit. I keep telling her I am afraid the cat will get lost in there!

My youngest room looks like that and it is scarey! The dogs love it because they get their pick of "chewies"
Good morning! We leave in a couple of hours to take Raymond to the train. He'll be back on Sunday. When the price of fuel was so high we discovered the train was $19 one way! They have gotten to know him and help him with the stairs and things. Now that fuel isn't so bad, we meet half way once in a while but this saves time. We drive about 40 minutes to the train station and His Dads is just across town, so it works out pretty good for everyone.
Okay, done with my meeting and almost caught up with my last minute Black Friday ads! I have one who calls at the last minute for everything she does, but she is such a sweetheart and always tells me I am her favorite, so I forgive her! She is a photographer and Colton's senior pics will be coming up next fall, so it is bonus to stay on her good side! Now, I am waiting for my Mom to come see me. She is taking us out for lunch!

So my idea yesterday isn't going to fly after all, so no worries about Destiny getting hooked up. He came in to record an ad with another lady, not organized, didn't have the music to put with it. After he leaves, he finally e-mails me telling me he can't get it. Meanwhile, the lady with him (Barbara) gets the cd to us. She tells us to use track 1. He wants something off youtube called Christmas Eve Sarajevo or something crazy like that. I tell him we have the cd and Destiny finishes it for us, sends it to him and he e-mails back "Destiny you did a great job and I don't want to be terribly picky, but can we use something else, something that is more recognizable for Christmas?" Luckily he wasn't standing here because she went off! "I used music straight from the program, the one Barb told me to use! He wants something more recognizable and picks Christmas Eve in Sarajevo??"
"Sorry mom, I want to date a guy who caters to me, not me to him!" Good Girl!! She redid it this morning and is waiting to hear back from him to see if he likes it!

NY--That sucks about the ipod, but at least it will have a happy ending. Most companies think of it as just a product and don't realize they are ruining a little girl's birthday by their mistake. Tell both your girls happy birthday!

chickenchick--The train sounds like a great idea! Not only economical, but sounds like you don't have to even worry about him!

charmed--How did the grocery shopping go? I am thrilled at all the good sales we have had lately! I am so excited about Thanksgiving dinner and seeing (most of) my family this year! Even though my favorite aunt and uncle won't make it this year, I do get to see a cousin I haven't seen for a long time, so I am ready to go!

Isn't that awesome!

As soon as I get myself in gear, I need to start pies and prep stuff so tomorrow after I out the turkey in, I can have veggies and dip while watching TV, like everyone else.
Didn't go yesterday.....Sis has the day off today so we are going in a few minutes! I have a catchers mask and pads to wear for protection and if that doesn't work, I had beans for dinner! Look out people! Here I come!

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