Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

"If i'm not the one thing you can't stand to lose
If i'm not that arrow to the heart of you
If you don't get drunk on my kiss
If you think you can do better than this then i guess we're done
Let's not drag this on..."
Reba....And yes....I had to google it...
Well I am finally here and everyone is gone! We were in the "city" all day. Grocery shopping and stuff. We had a nice lunch and of course a beer at Chilis before we came home. I missed you all!!

Now I see you were very busy while I was gone, let me go back and catch up.............................
Good, listening to some music and writing a fanfic.


Cool Cool. Im doing nothing, trying to stay warm
Just me n my dad tonight while the girlies go out shopping LOL (mom n sis
Good, listening to some music and writing a fanfic.


Cool Cool. Im doing nothing, trying to stay warm
Just me n my dad tonight while the girlies go out shopping LOL (mom n sis


And WORD FROZE UP!!!!!! I wrote, like, 500 words!!!!
Cool Cool. Im doing nothing, trying to stay warm
Just me n my dad tonight while the girlies go out shopping LOL (mom n sis


And WORD FROZE UP!!!!!! I wrote, like, 500 words!!!!

Not awesome! :O

Thats why i always save everything like every minute LOL Or usually i use google docs ;P

"Such a funny thing, but every time I'm near you I never can behave, you give me a smile and then I'm wrapped up in your magic."

listen to it with van morr, had this cd. used to listen to it a lot.. lost it.
ok can I just say my dog really sucks when he knows I went out last night for some drinks and dosnt the jerk whine since 5 am-OMG Im so tired and slightly hungover!!! Ahhh Margaritas were good-my friend is the bartender adn knows exactly how I like them-They are served in these huge fish bowl like goblets. After 2 and about 5 games of kicking butt in pool I switched to water so I could drive home later....
Chickenchick-shopping was good in the city??
NY I am jealous you had Margaritas without me!! If we didn't have to drive home we would have had them for lunch!! Once every couple months we go to the city, rent a room and go to the Macaroni grill where they serve killer margaritas, then we go to the hotel lounge and have some more before we stumble up the stairs to our room!! When we get together you will have to teach me how to play pool.

When we were in Chili's yesterday we saw Raymonds brain surgeon. I know this sounds weird but this man is almost like God to me. I smiled at him but didn't want to infringe on his lunch. Now I am kicking myself for not going up and shaking his hand, or at least discreetly buying his lunch ( and he and his wife were drinking Margaritas too!) He was the first DR to speak to us when we were in that little room in the ER waiting to hear if Raymond even survived the helicopter ride to the hospital. When I left him they couldn't find his BP and were still trying to stabilize him for the ride. Then this DR with a cute little red bow tie comes in and says, he will live, but you have a long road to recovery in front of you. He had to remove rocks, dirt and leaves from his brain along with a small amount of brain matter. Then put his skull back together with pins and a plate. So you can see why I have great respect for this man. He gave me my baby back!!

rir I hope the Cowboys do you proud today! It is 37 and cloudy here today but no wind so far. So hubby is going to finish the fence. We bought the rest of the fencing in the "city" yesterday.

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