Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

me too!! We must not be popular in the BYC world...

lol High 5 for the un popular people rofl

Edited cause i cant type

High five for me, too!!!!!

Hey girls! Sorry I wasn't on much again today. We ended up adopting a beautiful black cat today! Ahh yes, I DID need another one
Okay not really but he is so pretty and just a cool boy. I will post a picture soon. We named him Cash, as in Johnny Cash.

Got a text from Michelle and Colton is going to need Raymonds butt pillow

As soon as Raymond stays home for more than 15 minutes at a time I will have him post a concert review for Destiny

to jersey and mathew

Algo wonderful to hear Isaac has his energy back!

NY love you as always

Charmed thinking about you
Good morning everyone!
Had a busy but good day yesterday and just now getting a chance to download pics of my fuzzy butts!
I had a total of 25 hatch and sold 20. One of my BCM chicks died Friday. I kind of expected him to cuz he never acted normal. Still sad to see him go.
After I sold most of them I kept 2 BCMs and 2 EEs. LOL They all have blue food color on them since I didn't want to accidentally sell them. I got that idea from someone else on BYC. After I did that I felt kind of silly once I remembered my BCMs have feathered feet.

Ok here are the long awaited pics!

This one is of their sleepy time. They all looked so cute sleeping so sound.

The next pic is of empty eggs that I blew out to decorate later. I dry them out and kill any remaining germs at the same time by putting them in the microwave but in this pic. I almost caught the house on fire. I had no idea towels would catch fire in a microwave. Almost had a heart attack!!!
Sunny with clouds passing by and 62 degrees in my neck of the woods.

that is hilarious.. those things caught fire.. OMG.. good one.
I wonder if the eggs on top of those towels is the culprit for those things catching fire. Because I have used towels in the micro before and nothing like that has happened. Nevertheless I will start being careful with towels in the micro from now on.

listening to country top 40 this AM, and getting ready for church service.
awesome chicks by the way. I love baby chicks.. I am just not so crazy about spoiled, boisterous pullets anymore.

"But after one round with jose cuervo , the band is sounding pretty darn good to me."
Algo beautiful babies! I had no idea that would start a fire either. That could have been really bad.

Hi rir! 45 and sunny here. I have done a few chores outside and soon I am headed to the coop to do a little tiding up.
Good Morning!

Everyone needs more kitties, especially black ones! We have 4 and they are my favorites! Our 2 youngest, who are brother and sister, are named Johnny and June (as in Cash)!!
Johnny is so spoiled by Destiny and "talks" all the time! She tries to sneak him in the house but he always gives himself away by being too loud!

Update on Colton: Not as bad as first thought to be and apparently hubby was too mad to listen clearly when the officer called but he was only going 78. Still not good, but better than the 100 we first thought. He is grounded to only drive to and from school until further notice, which is nicer than I was going to be. I was going to make him ride with me in the mommy van to and from school for a couple of weeks. But, then again, that would require me to get up and haul him around, so I let it go. The friend, Freddie, who was going 73 and was going to get pulled over until Colton blew past him feels so bad that he brought up a load of wood Saturday night and helped put the transmission in my truck! We let those two and Colten, who was driving the speed limit behind them Friday night, go bowling yesterday. Colton assured me that it scared Freddie enough that he didn't dare drive too fast on the trip! So, lesson learned. We all did it, we just didn't get caught!
Cute, cute, cute! I made hubby stop in Chillicothe to see what babies they had at Orscheln's yesterday. Fortunately, I haven't found anything that I really want or I would be having the brooder set up immediately! I have several more weeks to shop though!!

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