Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

the pleasure's all mine!! I was tired of lurking and wanted to say hello!!!

Welcome to our thread Boyd!!
I have seen you around but I don't know if we have ever talked. I guess I will have to look up this "squirrel thread"!

Lol not sure if we've spoken before either
here's the squirrel thread


I get feeling silly every once in a while and start outlandish squirrel threads until Terrie, Nifty, Cyn and MP get the tazer keyboard energized here on my end
algo--Thanks for sharing the pics! You should have many happy hatches! Enjoy your fishing! It is about time we have nice weather to be able to get out and enjoy it!
Thunder, Destiny and I took a walk yesterday and it was so beautiful out. It is only supposed to get nicer as the week goes on...until the rain this weekend, but I will take it if I get these few gorgeous days this week!

NY--I am going to take charmed up on teaching me the stick shift, seriously. I would love to learn and I think I would feel comfortable around her to do it. Right now I am enjoying zipping around in hubby's little car! I hate that it doesn't have a CD player to listen to, so we must rely on our station to have good music on while we are traveling.

charmed--Destiny went to see Bounty Hunter this weekend and said it was really funny. Her favorite parts were Gerard Butler in a towel! She highly recommends us to all go see it. Are you going to try to do script frenzy? We are still brainstorming, but I think it will take place at the monastery for the nuns at Clyde. They give tours and we are seriously considering going there in a few weeks. We want to see the relic room!

chickenchick--Well, supper last night was lunch meat and chips. While we were taking our walk, hubby called for us to come help clear brush over at his Dad's. By the time we got done walking and going over there, we were pooped and hubby still had to go work on someone's truck and Colton had a meeting and had to unload wood, so it was after 9 before everyone made it back home.

Colton is almost completely done with his Eagle Scout project. He just needs to buckle down and get his paperwork done so we can have his ceremony and he can advance in mic-o-say. I don't know if I have mentioned it, but he put in park benches (in memory of 2 kids killed in separate accidents in Destiny's class) at the school tennis court and did some landscaping for his project. The paperwork is a pain, but it is worth it for him to complete it!
Welcome to our thread Boyd!!
I have seen you around but I don't know if we have ever talked. I guess I will have to look up this "squirrel thread"!

Lol not sure if we've spoken before either
here's the squirrel thread


I get feeling silly every once in a while and start outlandish squirrel threads until Terrie, Nifty, Cyn and MP get the tazer keyboard energized here on my end

OMG!! That is hilarious! Everyone in my office is wondering why I am sitting in here chuckling to myself! Squirrels are pretty evil!
Don't worry about the mods, I am sure they are giggling too!
They need something to entertain them while they are weeding out all the Easter dye threads and the typical "don't go there" ones!
Good morning everyone!

Boyd it is great to see you here!

Algo nice bator!! You had tenants take the faucets?! I guess I don't have as much to complain about as I thought!

NY I had no idea you were a Land Lady too! The house we are having trouble with has been on the market for 4 years and was never supposed to be a rental. Like you said though it is almost impossible to sell anything now! Our other house was the one I bought when I moved to Conrad. Then I married and Kenny and he gave me the choice to move out to his place in the country or he would move to town. Well!! There is a no brainier!

I have to run! Rocky has to be at the vet real soon and I am still in my jammies!

Have a great day! I will drop in when I get home.
Lol not sure if we've spoken before either
here's the squirrel thread


I get feeling silly every once in a while and start outlandish squirrel threads until Terrie, Nifty, Cyn and MP get the tazer keyboard energized here on my end

OMG!! That is hilarious! Everyone in my office is wondering why I am sitting in here chuckling to myself! Squirrels are pretty evil!
Don't worry about the mods, I am sure they are giggling too!
They need something to entertain them while they are weeding out all the Easter dye threads and the typical "don't go there" ones!

Hm... easter dye? I thought everyone dyed their chicks pink n blue?
OMG!! That is hilarious! Everyone in my office is wondering why I am sitting in here chuckling to myself! Squirrels are pretty evil!
Don't worry about the mods, I am sure they are giggling too!
They need something to entertain them while they are weeding out all the Easter dye threads and the typical "don't go there" ones!

Hm... easter dye? I thought everyone dyed their chicks pink n blue?

Some people do, but apparently it is a topic not to be drudged over and over again on here! I am mostly a lurker when I am not in this thread. I just soak it all in!
Charmed and I are afraid to put on our "big girl panties" and get out and talk to others, afraid we will get lost or laughed at.
Hm... easter dye? I thought everyone dyed their chicks pink n blue?

Some people do, but apparently it is a topic not to be drudged over and over again on here! I am mostly a lurker when I am not in this thread. I just soak it all in!
Charmed and I are afraid to put on our "big girl panties" and get out and talk to others, afraid we will get lost or laughed at.

ah, no worries there, everyone laughs at me. then again, I don't think I've ever truly been embarrassed.
Some people do, but apparently it is a topic not to be drudged over and over again on here! I am mostly a lurker when I am not in this thread. I just soak it all in!
Charmed and I are afraid to put on our "big girl panties" and get out and talk to others, afraid we will get lost or laughed at.

ah, no worries there, everyone laughs at me. then again, I don't think I've ever truly been embarrassed.

Normally I am quite outspoken and don't get embarrassed easily either. Most people on here are very nice, but some are just downright mean to others.
But I must say, I have learned more on here than I ever would have being here in rural Missouri! (Btw, My sis went to law school in Michigan, she said she loved it up there). I try to venture out some, I need to work on that!

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