Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

Just type it once and then copy it. Bring up each pm you want to send and paste it on.

That's what I thought, but I didn't know if there was a way to send like text where I can just list several people for it to go out to.
She used to get "prettified" but this is her third year going and wasn't impressed with who was going to be there, so she just put on a Mizzou tee and her new jeans and shoes. It will still be a lot of fun for her and it is always good food!

My hubby doesn't like Idol at all so he spends his time in the garage when it is on, although I have went out and caught him watching it a time or two or had him ask a question about it. We only started watching it a few years ago, actually, the year David Cook won was probably our first season. We had heard a lot about it, but hadn't watched before. This year we have each kept a detailed notebook on each week's performances (except last week when Bailey was sick). So, we can go back and tell you exactly what each person sang every week, what we thought of them and what the judges said! Can you say obsessed?

I told Colton no one has called to enter yet, so I may have to run more. He was like "maybe no one will and we won't have to do it this year." He doesn't mean it, he likes to see all the pretty young girls that perform! And he enjoys being part of the show and helping it get put on. It probably is weird to hear his Mom's name so much on the radio! I was listening yesterday to our station while it was in satellite (we pull from a station in Colorado when we aren't live). Anyway, the DJ does what is called the "delivery room" where she features a new song and then people call in or e-mail and rate it. So, I am sitting here and I hear Dakota say "Destiny says...."blah blah I can't remember the exact wording she said. I yell to the room next to me and said "Is that you?!" Sure enough! It was!

You take notes every week. Ok...seriously Honey....we need to talk.
She used to get "prettified" but this is her third year going and wasn't impressed with who was going to be there, so she just put on a Mizzou tee and her new jeans and shoes. It will still be a lot of fun for her and it is always good food!

My hubby doesn't like Idol at all so he spends his time in the garage when it is on, although I have went out and caught him watching it a time or two or had him ask a question about it. We only started watching it a few years ago, actually, the year David Cook won was probably our first season. We had heard a lot about it, but hadn't watched before. This year we have each kept a detailed notebook on each week's performances (except last week when Bailey was sick). So, we can go back and tell you exactly what each person sang every week, what we thought of them and what the judges said! Can you say obsessed?

I told Colton no one has called to enter yet, so I may have to run more. He was like "maybe no one will and we won't have to do it this year." He doesn't mean it, he likes to see all the pretty young girls that perform! And he enjoys being part of the show and helping it get put on. It probably is weird to hear his Mom's name so much on the radio! I was listening yesterday to our station while it was in satellite (we pull from a station in Colorado when we aren't live). Anyway, the DJ does what is called the "delivery room" where she features a new song and then people call in or e-mail and rate it. So, I am sitting here and I hear Dakota say "Destiny says...."blah blah I can't remember the exact wording she said. I yell to the room next to me and said "Is that you?!" Sure enough! It was!

You take notes every week. Ok...seriously Honey....we need to talk.

Yes, we seriously take notes. Wanna know something about it? I can look it up for you!
Just type it once and then copy it. Bring up each pm you want to send and paste it on.

You are SO smart!! I didn't know you could do that. Michelle is the texting Queen!! It takes me 20 minutes to text her and she answers me in like 2 seconds

Sorry if I missed you girls. I was outside working in my flower beds. The weather is just so perfect.
Hey Boyd! WASSUP???? LOL...on my way out for my nieces 1st bday party-just popped in to say hello to the lovely ladies myself:)
Great pictures chickenchick! What a great extended family you have!

Thanks! I think Michelle is right, Rocky does not look very thrilled.

I'm sure he's like every animal when they get their picture taken.........they're looking at the camera thinking....."Can I eat that???"
Hey Boyd! WASSUP???? LOL...on my way out for my nieces 1st bday party-just popped in to say hello to the lovely ladies myself:)

1st birthday's are a lotta fun!!!!
Nice of you to drop by! Sun shining out your way today?

Yesterday and today has been 70 degrees. Almost busted out the speedo in this heat wave

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