Ever had a winter broody?

here are pretzel, twinkie, and mamma goose!

and mamma goose is having babies here on Monday! but this time they're her own!
can anyone help me with changing my profile pic, or avatar?
Thank you I have her and another white silkie hen and a buff silkie rooster in a pen I made out of a swingset frame and I have another big pen that is 20foot by 20foot and 7 foot high so the swingset pen will be easy to cover
Picture from a few days ago

picture from summer

How smart, I've never thought of a swing set, LoL

i have a winter broody right now. i dont think her eggs are fertile or not we have a rooster but we'll find out soon :)
Me Too, I've a EE mix I just put out in with LF run, just took her away from the four NN mix 10 week olds she has been in nest box since first day there, sitting on 2 Fake eggs, this PM I replaced them with real mix eggs from 2 of our hens. (we have a NN cockerel who's still getting busy.) I'll see soon enough if fertile and how she's doing.

I love your coop!!! ive been thinking about making something like that to use as a breeding pen! I love silkies!! lol
X 2 cept just a Winter tractor idea.

They are outdoors. I have a broody box about 2x3'attached to a small 4x8 run. I put plastic around 2 sides, north and west. Piled leaves up against the plastic. For the first few days I had a heat lamp in the brooder. Then I moved it to the run. The hen takes the chicks back into the box at night. The heat lamp keeps the drinker from freezing. The winter weather last week dropped to 14 F. Only a little of the drinker would be thawed in the mornings, so I took it inside to wash and refill. They are still too little to risk the heated dog bowl.

What's the Risk of heated dog bowl ? If it's drowning Put rocks in bottom.
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here are pretzel, twinkie, and mamma goose!

and mamma goose is having babies here on Monday! but this time they're her own!
can anyone help me with changing my profile pic, or avatar?

click on "my profile" the beneath the avatar you will see a link to "change avatar" Does that help?
I did that, and I put a pic in, but it did nothing. it didn't say that there was an error or anything. I'm really confused. thanks anyway!
We have 2 BO girls sitting in eggs. They are only 7 months old. We do have 2 roosters the same age that have been mating with the 14 girls for some time. We moved both hens to the brooder box 10 days ago with a divider between them and they have continued to sit tight, only getting up to eat drink and poor. We do have a heat lamp but it is up quite high as I don't want them dependent on warm temps in case of power loss (from MN). I do not use a heat lamp in the ckicken part of the barn, it has not gotten below 10 degrees and everyone is doing fine no fostbite.We hope to hear peeps soon!!!
Questions: should I lower heat lamp when chicks are born or will mom keep them warm enough? Should I keep moms and chicks together in the broody house until they are fully feathered? How do I reintroduce them all back into the flock?
I did that, and I put a pic in, but it did nothing. it didn't say that there was an error or anything. I'm really confused. thanks anyway!

you might try uploading the pic into an album first. I know that sometimes I've just had days where the upload tool didn't work. You might have a pop up blocker causing a problem.
I had a pair of heritage turkey hens disappear in January of 2010 I thought they had bee gotten by a varmit when low and behold one of them was coming back towards the barn and then I heard a pathetic pee dee dee in the snow and looked to see 4 tiny poults making their way across the snow behind her. I scooped them up in my hat and took them inside and made a brooder for them. It seemed the hen had made a nest with another hen under a log that was next to a round bail of hay and that is how they together only leaving the nest one at a time, hatched those babies. They survived and grew up to be fine healthy turkeys

How neat and cute!
I had a pair of heritage turkey hens disappear in January of 2010 I thought they had bee gotten by a varmit when low and behold one of them was coming back towards the barn and then I heard a pathetic pee dee dee in the snow and looked to see 4 tiny poults making their way across the snow behind her. I scooped them up in my hat and took them inside and made a brooder for them. It seemed the hen had made a nest with another hen under a log that was next to a round bail of hay and that is how they together only leaving the nest one at a time, hatched those babies. They survived and grew up to be fine healthy turkeys

How sweet are they! Were these slates?

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