Every single one of my hens slaughtered :(


9 Years
Jun 11, 2010
Baldwin MI
I am devistated. Every single one of my hens were slaughtered by some predator last night that got into their coop. I feel so horrible.

I am posting this so others can learn from my mistake. They were in the type of coop with a run underneath it. I had boards that were buried in the ground around 6" down around the perimeter which I thought would deter digging in. I was wrong.

All of my beautiful hens are dead. Luckily I still have the pullets that I just hatched out earlier this summer as they were in a seperate coop. But all of my lovely ladies that were so tame and ran to me for treats whenever I went outside are gone. I'm a horrible chicken mom.

It was a small predator, the hole under the coop is only a few inches high. It got in and killed them all, didn't eat them. I'm not sure what it was.

Please learn from this and don't let it happen to you
I can't stop crying I feel so bad.
OH goodness! I am so sorry! Maybe it was a weasel........Makes me realize I need to look over my own coop and run.......

Soooo sorry for your losses!

A few inches as in maybe 2 inches round could be a weasel, but a few inches as in a 3 inch hole that is like 8 inches wide could easily be a coon. Dang coons can squeeze through some of the smallest places and will tear birds to pieces.
So sorry for your loss.

It seems that no matter what we do if a predator wants in they will keep trying.

Thank you for the reminder to stay vigilant when it comes to coop safety. When nothing has happened for awhile it is easy to think it won't ever. Last week we had an old farmer warn us about changing seasons and how tenacious predators can be.
So sorry Erin, what a horrible loss for you! Sounds like you will be doing some reinforcing of that coop/run, sorry you had to learn the hard way.
I haven't been back out to inspect since finding the carniage this morning, my dear husband cleaned up the mess as I couldn't bear to do it. The hole was only a couple (2-3") high from what I could tell but it very well could have been 6-8" wide. I'll have to gather my strength to go out again and take a look at the hole closer. I was so devistated seeing the bodies and blood everywhere I didn't look that close.
Oh I am so sorry for your loss. It is terrible. You are not a bad chicken mom. As awful as it is it happens. I have had it happen to me. As many of us unfortunately have. All we can do is our best. Please don't be hard on yourself. Sending you

Your not a bad chicken mom! You did what you could do to protect them.
Those predaters are just so dang determined to get a meal, it obviously had to work hard to get in there.

Just remember, you gave them a good life!
Sounds like they were happy chickens.
oh, erinlee, I am so sorry! it's hard to imagine that a predator would be that determined - 6 inches, you had every reason to believe your babies were safe. big hugs to you, and to your hubby for taking care of the remains. it's bad enough to lose a chicken, but such wasteful, senseless slaughter...

it won't help those babies, but on facebook, Fresh Eggs Daily tried that Night Eyes product and saw proof the first day that it repelled animals from her coop.

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