Everybody tune into Oprah on Friday

I just finished watching the show. The gentleman from the MLAR seemed genuine and fair in his representations. I'm glad the show was not totally about showing the gross conditions, but had some balance as to the problem.

I was somewhat disappointed that only Lancaster county was targeted as a puppy mill center... while it does have its fair share, (and I recognized several of these sites, I inspected them when I worked for AKC), there are only a handful that large in PA. Most puppy mills in PA are small in comparison to the mills operating in Kansas, Missouri and other midwest states.

Also, IMHO, be careful of organization (Humane Society of US). They are not a shelter and NOT affiliated with the American Humane Society. if you google them, you will find they have a very checkered past. I was very disappoiinted, with all the research that Oprah has at her disposal, that they were spokespersons on her show.
I was very glad that the man from MLAR made the point that it was OK to get a dog from a responsible breeder after Oprah said she would never get a dog from a breeder again.
Todays show was a great eye opener to the human race. Its hard for me to understand how these people that own and operate these puppy mills can sleep at night! It totally outrages me to think this is legal in the united states. How can that be?

Im also glad Oprah mentioned the Humane society and their role. It was totally shocking to hear that only 4 in 50 dogs get adopted from the pound. These poor animals. We need to be more responsible in our actions. SPAY AND NUETER PEOPLE! I have 2 dogs and 3 cats and all of them have been spayed and nuetered. There is no reason not to spay or nueter but many reasons why!!! It just broke my heart to see those beautiful, healthy dogs (dont forget the cats that werent mentioned) walking to their death. I have always adopted my pets from either a rescue or the pound and will continue to do so. Matter of a fact the 2 dogs we have now were adopted from a rescue outside Petsmart. Both dogs were adopted as puppies. The oldest dog is a happy 14 years old and is in his final stage of life with us but we have many great family memories with him. He has been the best protector and best friend anyone could ask for. Then our other dog is 1 years old now and is my youngest daughters best friend. She loves him and he loves her. His little beagle eyes just light up at the sound of her voice. Always waiting for her to go and play with him. Its the sweetest thing.

So go out and make a difference. Adopt from shelters and rescues and SPAY AND NUETER your pets. It will make a difference!
Well I have seen that show and it was nothing new for me to hear. Puppy mills have been going on as long as I can remember as a child.

We do have poor breeders, they are just as bad as puppy mills. It took a while for my parents to realize that poor breeders and puppy mill breeders are bad and we decided to go for a very reputable breeder in the Collie society and did alot of research and gladly we found collies without any real problems and spay or neuter the ones that do have problems or not up to par to the standard of the breed. My parents were serious breeders and we do take back any of the puppies we raised even the one that was four years old and was returned back to us because the family had a job transfer down in the southern states and it would NOT be fair to the collie with xtra hair to suffer the heat down there.

We had a keeshond puppy that we had for many years, from a pet store. That was my parents first mistake but Keeshonds and Norweigan Elkhounds were far and few in between. We had a lot of personality issues with this dog but neverthanless, she was an important member in our family and many times she guarded us well. After numberous attempts to breed her, it was futile and we didnt want to stress her out nor want any of her disposition and small size...a Keeshond breeder pointed that out to my parents that she is NOT of worthy breeding stock, nor the pedigree of it because she was from a puppy mill out in Missouri. And her parentage is very questionable because the father would be the same but numberous grump in the cages, only one of them is her mother and the AKC papers we had, it could have been any of them! So we spayed her and one of the best decisions my parents made.

As for Siamese, I am sorry, but not too many be found or adopted out within the week I was searching for a kitten. So I had to go to a breeder who she had two males and two females and she was nice and her house was so clean and so was her cats which they were well fed. She said she only breeds them twice a year and give the queens a break for a year after three to four litters at a time. It is very stressful on her queens and rather have the kittens have excellent homes and encourage us to spay or neuter if we do not want kittens. We certainly do not want any kittens, period. I had a Siamese cat who got out and got preggy with a litter of kittens and nothing like a wonderful time of kittens playing int eh wee morning hours when I had to go to school every morning. I told my mother, I want my cat spayed! So she did LOL! From then on, NO MORE kittens for me to raise. Get all my cats spayed before their first heat cycle.

My pet peeve from people, oh lets the dog or cat have children before we spay them...its all natural and want them to experience motherhood or fatherhood. Thats a bunch of bull if you ask me!
my dogs came from the pound; any future dogs will come from the pound.

I just don't "get it" when people will pay insane amounts of money for a pet. The best dogs I've ever interacted with ALL came from the pound.
I have seen first hand the effects of puppy mills as i help out at the local aimal shelter when they need help.It's just very supprising how many people live with there head in the sand so they can have there cute puppy and not want to hear the truth.I have seen many many even pure breeds dumped out here where i live.Its a disposable world we live in.Many poeple are like thats awfull then go back to there daily lives.Dont watch this if you dont want to cry..this is what happens to disposable dogs in our country.
Thats why i dont have any pure breeds just mutts.Mac my younger dog (lad britany mix)is rescued from a kill shelter ....
its on youtube called STOP Animal Cruelty, Dog kill box

on the way to town there are 2 puppy mills one a lady runs and the other one is run by the amish...
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I watched it, and it opened alot of eyes to what goes on. Some people have NO clue.
They think the pet store is the place to buy a puppy. This happened to a couple that adopted one of our foster dogs.

They bought a high-dollar pup at the store, only to find it had "issues" as most of them do. It bit their toddler and wasn't socialized, so it was sold to another family. They contacted our rescue group because they found the "perfect dog" on Petfinder. They adopted our first foster, and its a happy-ending-story for all of them. That opened up our house to foster others, and now we have 2, plus our forever dog! We are adding another at the end of the month that is also a rescue.

I know the dogs thank you for it! They know more than we think they do...
It was told here that a documentary of the case close to here was sent to Oprah's show and they had accepted it. I was interested in seeing what she did with the report. She didn't even mention it.
Here is the latest article in the case. Unfortunately, anything going back farther than seven days you have to pay for from our not so lovely newspaper, so this is the only article link I can post. She kept five dogs and a bunch of horses. When the news broke of the puppy mill on Cty X by Dexter they didn't list any names. But, I guessed it correctly. I have been by the place many times and it always saddens me how poorly the horses looked. The dogs were kept in a locked shed so they were out of site. Several of them were so bad they had to be put down.


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