Everyone, post your best homemade chicken feed recipes!

I recently eliminated soy from my homemade feed, mostly because there is SO MUCH of it in commercial feed and I don't believe in feeding massive amounts of any one food, and also because where I live ,there is a niche market for eggs fed no GMOs and you can't get GMO free soy for any decent price.
The chickens seem pleased with roasted peas in place of the soy but that may just be the change in taste.
weidnercharm...... AMEN.....
anyone who doesnt believe MOnsanto and soy pushers arent bad needs to get their head out of the sand. corporations dont care about us or bd of directors,etc
listen to KATHERINEALBRECHT.COM.. she has done lotsof research and interviews on it....just navigate her site and search for "soy"
she is such a great researcher and talk show personality....
yes we are what we eat and I need to eat less SUGAR myself.....too
thanks yall
weidnercharm...... AMEN.....
anyone who doesnt believe MOnsanto and soy pushers arent bad needs to get their head out of the sand. corporations dont care about us or bd of directors,etc
listen to KATHERINEALBRECHT.COM.. she has done lotsof research and interviews on it....just navigate her site and search for "soy"
she is such a great researcher and talk show personality....
yes we are what we eat and I need to eat less SUGAR myself.....too
thanks yall

thanks for the link!
I say take any of those hyped claims with a grain of big grain of salt, especially from a tin foil hat wearer like her... In regards to her soy claims, i rolled my eyes when she blamed soy for gender 'confusion' and as soon as she said "Soy was never consumed by our ancestors" I just had to laugh out loud and stopped reading as she clearly showed she didn't do any legitimate research, read any legit studies and/or purposely ignored any research she didn't like or agree with or cherry picked and connected dots that should not be connected from the data she supposedly studied...

But, it's really a just like arguing politics no one will convince the other side...
​Soy has a chemical called esterase. This is very closely related to estrogen. Esterase has been linked to premature puberty in girls, thyroidism and hormone based cancers. The eggs from the birds who eat soy have esterase in the eggs.

What? Please Google up Esterase, you clearly don't understand what it is or what it does or even where it's found...

What was the point of that link? Did you even read it or did you just hastily post the link it because it showed that Soy contains Esterase? I never said soy didn't contain Esterase, but so does your very own body and many other living organisms, it's simply an enzyme, that breaks down esters... In fact the article was void of pretty much any info beyond the fact that soy contains Esterase and it can be an alternative source to obtain it for commercial uses...

The claims made by the other poster stated

This is very closely related to estrogen.

No, it is not...

Esterase has been linked to premature puberty in girls, thyroidism and hormone based cancers.

No, it has not...

The eggs from the birds who eat soy have esterase in the eggs.

Sure they might, it's found in a plethora of living creatures and many other foods, it's not some 'soy' thing... Since it's not what was claimed and it's simply an enzyme that performs a specific chemical process in digestion, I say "nonsense" to the claims...
Say whatever ypu want.
Soybeans contain isoflavones, which are chemically similar to estrogens. Soy contains phytoestrogens called isoflavones that mimic the activity of the hormone estrogen in your body.
To top is off, the damage to the planet in the growing of soy is a big turn off.
I choose No-Soy. You choose whaat you want.
Why is it my friend with breast cancer is not supposed to eat soy then? It creates estrogen which feeds this type of cancer.
Can we get past the insults and arguments and back to the topic? If your choice is soy free, there are options. If your choice is not, there are options. Nuff said.

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