Everyone, post your best homemade chicken feed recipes!

I was going to get a flock block to put out during the winter.


If you feed only the ration you posted above, your chickens will get sick and die, guaranteed. It's so far from being balanced nutritionally I shudder to imagine what will happen.
The reason there are 10+ ingredients in homemade feeds is because different foods are different sources of nutrients.
If you can't be bothered to do the research, please just buy them a bag of commercial feed.
If you feed only the ration you posted above, your chickens will get sick and die, guaranteed. It's so far from being balanced nutritionally I shudder to imagine what will happen.
The reason there are 10+ ingredients in homemade feeds is because different foods are different sources of nutrients.
If you can't be bothered to do the research, please just buy them a bag of commercial feed.
there is an albanian family in my neighborhood that feed their chickens corn only and they are still alive. I even hear the egg song when I pass by. and we live in a hot climate, no greens for foraging, mosquitoes, flies and bugs only.
There's a great chapter in the Storey's chicken book about this as well.

Mudhen, I'm going to give your recipe a try.  Looks good enough for us to eat.  Sort of a savory granola.  Well, okay, maybe not.  But I bet the chickens will love it.

So, do any of you folk's birds just love tomatoes.  Mind are particularly fond of the little grape tomatoes just when then get a little raisiney.  You know, just when they start to wrinkle a bit.  I throw 10 or 12 into the run and it turns into a chicken brawl in there.  One grabs one and runs, and the others take off after her. . . then they notice there are more.  Then it's like a shark feeding frenzy.  I'd throw more in but I like them myself.  The only thing I can compare it to is when I throw a mess of crickets in with them.

Mine also love the little grape tomatoes and just devour them but are not crazy about the big ones....strange!!!!!
Hey gang, so does anyone know if it is ok to crush up your own oyster shells? I live on the beach and have tons of shells laying around and it just seems weird for me to go buy them!!!!! I have been crushing them up and sprinkling them around. My girls are free range so they do not eat much feed or scratch and I have tried many different kinds. They are so picky it's annoying!!!! SPOILED TO THE HILT. I buy them fresh corn which they get daily, along with cheese, yogurt, seeds and what ever else I discover they like!!!!! I even bought them meal worms and they would not touch them!!!!! Crazy!!!!! That was when they were only about 8 weeks old so maybe I'll try it again but wow are they ever picky. I just love my girls and they are so sweet and love affection. They all get along and like each other however do have a pecking order but are not ruthless - they treat each other nicely. They are always together when not laying which they just started doing the last 2 weeks - they are 5 months old and their eggs are HUGE some so big they don't fit in the egg carton even. 3 buff orphingtons and 3 sexlinks. 2 of them have layed soft shelled eggs a couple times and it made me worry - I hope they are getting what they need and it's just a matter of being newby's !!!!! They sure are costing me a bundle buying fresh corn constantly.... does anyone else do this or am I off my rocker
I do make sure they have all the proper feed and scratch even tho they don't eat much of it I know they are smart enough to know what they need and will eat it if they feel the need. They have 15 acres of lush property mostly grassland and gardens and some woods and they love it all. They come in every night and put themselves to bed but have a routine they do daily it's a hoot. They absolutely love me but I know it's cuz I give good treats LOL anyway just thought I would chime in on the food challenge oh and they absolutely love the little nyger seeds and think that's about the greatest treat ever. They love all seeds tho.
dont give up. but mine do better so far with the feed.
they try to waste the feed additive... that I put in their grain and "grasses mixture" The a organic additive is like "sand".... so to get them to finish the additive I put it in some occ meat or tuna, scrambled egg or little brown cooked rice....
but right now they are molting and only getting from 1 to 2 ....up to occ 4 eggs a day.I actually bought a dozen of eggs today. First time in couple of years. Usualy I had six dozen or so in the fridge.
plus 2 of them have terrible runny poo with undigested feed etc.
so two of them are taking Baytril .. started them today. They prob need Safeguard again cause I didnt give enough of the liquid Safeguard. misunderstood the instructions...
I got the fecal solution now and the "ova floation containers or kit" this week. now to fig out how to do the fecals.th instructions on that box arent too explicit.
I know there have been mentions of this before, but searching is tough. What are some brands/options for a supplement to add to a protein-balanced grain mix? I am aware of Fertrell Nutribalancer, but was wanting names of other options, and where to get them.
I believe mine is Ferrils nutrabalancer.. Got it thru Mc Murray Hatchery.sold it in 10 lb bags for starter grower. lot cheaper for me with a small flock
I was told they get it from BLUE STEM
their website is http://www.bluestemorganic.com/index.html

The layer additive came in like 40 lb bags additives. also saw a another company supposedly organic . But they to only sold in big bags and expensive shipping rates that is ABC their website is


now I am sure there are others I saw where someone on this BYC forum mentioned "Diamond" brand also. I never checked into that one...
please let us know if you find out any others and how it works for you and your flock
I figured out by talking to others in my area who also rais chickens that my ration is just fine I just need to add a premix.
Mine also love the little grape tomatoes and just devour them but are not crazy about the big ones....strange!!!!!
I wish I could have magically gave yall some for you and yalls chickens. I have and had countless amts of sweett 100 cherry tomatoes. almost all of them volunteer plants from previous years...
I just shake my head cause I am throwing gobs of them into the woods... they are overipe and rotten or some diseased or insect damaged,,,lots laying in the staw paths.....
I just believe its sinful to waste so many .. I am still picking and sorting them and cutting down the vines as I go. I should have offered for sev people to come and pick some thru the radio programs called "tradio"..we still not have had a frost yet in my big fenced in from rabbits, chickens,etc...
the chickens get some everyday and steal some that hang over the garden fence. We have frozen bags of them. Years ago I dehydrated some even...Hubby even made sals twice with them...
off topic even more... read that the yellow "sungold" are even better
just chimng in yall

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