Everyone Post Your Pigeon Pics!!!!!

Birmingham Roller

Birmingham Roller

Birmingham Roller

Birmingham Roller

Birmingham Roller

Birmingham Roller




West Of England Tumbler

West Of England Tumbler


Russian Tumbler

Modena and Mookee

Russian Tumbler




Russian Tumbler

Russian Tumbler
Ok, I have a question. For months I've thought that my pigeons were half oriental roller, half homer. But then yesterday I was going thru my texts with the lady I got them from, and she said they were half oriental roller, half old Dutch. So if they're not homer, do they have no homing abilities at all? And what "talents" do old Dutch have?
Also, if I breed a pure homer with a baby of the half breed, will the baby's offspring be able to do a little "homing"?
Good! Two of them have gotten out at different times and have come back the same day. Because they're half rollers, will they roll some when flying? One that got out flew around but I never saw her roll
I would think that they would roll a little bit, but not sure. It took my rollers quite a few flies before i got them to roll. But dont expect alot of rolling unless they come from really good performing roller blood
Ok. I know nothing about their "family lines".
You never know, they could be great rollers or they may never know at all, in time you will have to keep flying them and find out
I am working on conditioning my rollers but both my pairs are on nests So if I fly my males the females may abandon the nests. Mine seem to be sensitive to separation, lost a few nests to this so i am very cautious of it. After these squabs are grown though I wont let them nest for a while to work on their flying. But I got some tumblers and a mookee yesterday so i Have some birds to work with til then. But again yours could be awesome rollers or not roll a bit

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