Everyone Post Your Pigeon Pics!!!!!

LOL yeah he maybe has too many, but it is fun watching them fly around in a big flock. When I was little I found one of his pigeons that was disorientated and when we brought it back to him I saw all his other pigeons flying around and decided someday I'd get pigeons. So my pigeon addiction is all his fault, especially since he sometimes gives me really cool colored pigeons
Ok, I'm sure it's been asked, gonna ask anyway!
Sexing pigeons...? Is there a way, or wait to see who lays an egg? What age do they lay? And Epic is obviously not a feral pigeon, but if one of my ferals takes a liking, will they breed?
The best way to determine the sex of a pigeon is to ask another pigeon. In a perfect world the pigeon on the right is usually more iridescent and larger than the ♀ pigeon on the left. That being said no matter which method you choose to sex a pigeon mistakes are sometimes made. I usually can tell the gender of a pigeon just by looking at it (but I have been know to make mistakes too.) On that note: If you place your pigeon in the company of a know gender pigeon one can usually tell the gender of the pigeon in question by the reaction taken by the know gender. (Too many references to gender in tha sentence but I think you can follow). Check out the link the pigeon bowing and circling is the bird walking is ♀:
Excellent. Thank you. If I follow those general theories, Storm is male and Chaos is female and Epic is a black and white pigeon!!! I'll watch the video when I go to civilization tomorrow!

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