Evil cat is evil


14 Years
Apr 26, 2009
Grainger County,TN
You can see it in his eyes..

He is really displeased with the fact that the hen is on his turf.
This cat is so mean .. he lashes out at my other cats.. doesnt like to be petted most of the time. Stands in the doorway at night and screams really loud until we get up and let him out.
And the older he gets the meaner he gets.

Only thing he needs is holding up a sign with " get off my lawn" written on it.
The poor hen didnt know he was there at first.. she wanted to see the babys in the cage.. She seen him and hightailed out of there

Who's the winner in this scenario? I'm assuming its turkey, with his sharp beak!! My birds keep my cats in line -- they chase them every chance they get 'cuz "it's fun"!
Oh.. he is evil.. for sure..

He is just outright mean to my other cats.. he walks by them and lashes out at them at just for giggles.
I dont know how many times I have caught him trying to maul my 14 year old toothless threelegged cat. Poor Toots cant do nothing , but just sit there and take it.

He doesnt dare go after my birds.. He knows I will gurgle him.
I dotn know why he is like that.. he can be so sweet when he is... well.. hungry.. lol..He has allwasy been like this.. and it got worse after we got 2 more cast..I think its because he got dethroned. He is 6 years old now.. so maybe eventually he will calm down a bit.. I done got him neutred.. Sometimes I wonder if they missed one.. He sure acts like it.Only time he ever runs is when it rains or he hears husbands gun cocked.

He isnt mean with me or my husband but hates my son for so0me reason.. Son never did anything to him.
Oh and he is spoiled.. no dry food for him.. just canned and no tap water.. he drinks out of toilet only.. ( shhhh...he doesnt know its the same thing)

Oh the stories I could tell about George W.. lol

he came home one day.. got bitten by a snake on his head.. he looked so bad.. but I laughed at him.. serves him right.. then to add to the humiliation.. we took him to the vet.. vets have thermometers... you know where they stick those ? ...
And he got a shot.. YAY!!.. that didnt help his aditude at all..

George W is a stinker... he doesnt know how to be nice 99% of the time.
Was George W. in florida before the snip, snip. I thnik I have his son. He's all black also, and just as onery.

He'll chase anything. He even stays out in the rain to catch the drops. Crazy cat.

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