evil pie

That silkie is currently in my coop

We were gonna make stew, but he harnessed those evil powers and took over my mind.
PC came over to visit the other day and as soon as Silver saw him he made a high pitched screech that would make your ears bleed.


LOL...good lookin' bird though
figures the lunch lady would notice the oven.

ha ha ha.

no...just a random pic i found on photo bucket when I looked up "funny pie"...for the fun of it.

I thought since fishermom is the pie cooker, she'd like to try out the decorations for her next pie.

looks like an evil oven, doesn't it?

no, my oven is creamy colored or what do they call that? bisque? and the inside is black and covered in chicken sizzle sizzle pop.

I saw the video. Doesn't look evil to me.
He's cute! PC was screamin' like a girl(no offense) before the chicken even touched him! He was like "ow! ow! ow!" over and over again.

You aren't gonna cook that pretty bird......right?
now 77horses...i see by your tag line you're a vegetarian....

pp is not...and she should not be encouraged. You are treading in some slippery waters. If you ever come across a video from pp...you'll probably want to skip it. I learned the hard way and I'll never be the same.

but then again...I don't see you desiring to open processing videos...so you are probably safe.


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