evil pie

maple my love, your sick again?
You poor thing.
I think fishermama should make you some puddin pie, and send me a piece too.

I'm actually tired..and it's not 2am yet

Night g.

Mornin' Kurt!

That's never gonna get old
actually...it never really went away. i never dragged my butt to the dr. i don't wanna. you can't make me.

oh are we sayin mornin kurt?

ok...Mornin kurt! I'm sleepin in. So is coon. He told me.

oh peeeeeeeee! come make me some soup. you can use one of them extra roos out back.

and then my 2 yr. old for the last 2 days has made a dump that scoots out the sides and goes up the back of her diaper...now THATS impressive!

whine whine whine whine.....

I was still up when you said good morning to me
. Actually I haven't slept since yesterday because of my all nighter. I don't know why I'm on here instead of sleeping..... Maybe I should go sleep.

for my all nighter
oooh That's right...you had pizza at midnight.

Now look it's a sunny and beautiful and YOU'RE sleepin!

I know you are cuz it says offline and coon told me.

He's planning to bite your feet when you get all nice and comfortable and snoozy.

Hey Kurt...Good AFTERNOOOON!

It be sunny and warm here also. Its so strange because all week we had 90* weather. This is an area where it rarely gets above 70*. But it is a little nippy this morning, but warming up quick now.
Kurt needs to get up.
It's noon.
We gotta eat turkey bologna and swiss cheese sandwiches.

My sisters stole the computer
pboo...who said anything about warm? I said sunny. And it's 55* here.

Wait a minute! Did they say scattered flurries on Mon.???

Oh my...I'm not ready for that.

My dd's lil friend's daddy is coming over here to do some outside work...he he he...he's got his work cut out for him.

oh p...not swiss cheese...i'll take colby. bologna? umm, how about smoked turkey? gobble gobble.

ha ha kurt...Your sister beat you to the computer! And you kept walking by checking every 5 minutes didn't you? Then you cried to your mom when she was on there for a whole half hour? didn't ya? didn't ya? cuz you were having byc fits.

fit mcfiterson.

bluey made me do it.

It's been a good run outside. Sure really did appreciate that dad's help.

He cleaned the gutter.

Helped me put my big inflatable pool away....what? You think it should have been put away by now so t could not collect rain and leaves in it? Maybe I was trying to capture me a bull frog? huh? huh? Ever think of that?
No, I just needed help and it took this long for someone to come...but Praise the Lord, they came.

We put the patio furniture in the garage.

We cleaned up the side of the garage so I can park in it again.

We switched over the tillers to the small shed and brought out the snowblowers to keep in the garage.

He got some trimming done to the bushes...by hand. He took mine so he can fiddle with it...probably all gummed up. It'll start but the blades won't turn. But at least I can see who's coming up my drive now.

And our big girls raked under one maple tree and really got themselves a big pile! wooohoooo!

Our little girls destroyed it! weeeeeeeeeeee! The big girls reprimanded them.

It was really helpful and I got so much done with a helper!...oops, make that helperS.

After a while the girls were getting cold and whiney so what better to do then to come in and have a popsicle? I didn't suggest it....the 2 year old did. Oh well. Popsicles-bomb pops, pretzels, and juice boxes.

ooooooow....and my back started hurting so bad yesterday and oooooh i overdid it.

I want my hot turkey Church dinner carry out, a hot bath, some muscle relaxers, and my kids in bed, and mommy in bed too.

only a couple more hours....then it's bed time for the girlies....aaaaaaaah.

and how was your day?


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