evil pie

Busy busy maple. you got a lot done, good job!! Well, I never have to worry about snow (oops, sorry). By the way, what is snow? jk
I got a nap today, got chicken and bunny food, still had hay, and I played with Rosie a little, working on the stuff my sister taught me to teach her. And Rosie remembered her lesson from last week and did it right away. I switched her back to her corral as Sparky has been in it and Rosie was in Sparky's. Sparky's corral is small though so Rosie was sooooooooooooo happy to be back in her own corral. She runs around all the time, Sparky doesn't as much as Rosie does.
I think I would be sad if I didn't have the 4 seasons, at least how they play out in my head...the spring>>happy cheery and colorful blossoms shoot out from their hibernation and the brown layers of leaves and grass..., summer>>alternate cycles of stinkin jump in the lake kind of hot, to nice breezy summer days, Fall>>the colors of the leaves, the autumn smells, jumping in leaves..., Winter>>the blanket of snow, the icicles hanging, the sledding, the snowman, the snow angels, getting cold and running in for cocoa...

I'd miss that...even though it can be scary to drive in, it makes my heat bill soar, and sometimes my pipes freeze and break, and the water damage that comes along with that....but any rate...

I love my 4 seasons and my winter wonderland. Helps to have the view I have across the fields too, especially at sunset. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Today is windy. I had to move a very large tarp into the garage and it nearly took me away with it. And my back has been aching for 3 days...pretty severily. But I have a feeling all you sickos would have laughed at my struggles in getting that oversized tarp in my garage.

So I treated myself to a mocho latte. Ok, the mocha latte was bought before the tarp was moved. I came home from church and realized I had to go fetch it. So the girls ate their happy meals in the warm comforts of home while mommy wrangled the big blue beast. AND THEN I got to sit down with my mocha latte.


Hope you have not blown away maple!! What a funny site that would be, tarp dragging you away. jk. How is your back? Sounds like it is time for a good hour long massage!!
Ya, don't get too much of the 'seasons' right here where I live. A little, but not as spectacular as some places. Some times we get a little snow on the hills around here, just enough to go play in. If you want to go snow boarding or skiing it is a few hours drive. We do get to get cold and run in for cocoa though!!
Well, off to another busy day of feeding hungry students, no sloppy joes yet!
G...years ago before one herniated and one ruptured disc in my lower back, I thought chiropractors were witch doctors. After many, many costly trips to the ER and neurologists, a $35 trip to my chiropractor once or twice a year for a simple adjustment (15 minutes) has pretty much cured all back problems for the past 4 years.

But not all chiropractors are created equal. There are good ones and there are quacks. Good luck with your back, I hope it gets resolved.

morning 'pboo!
I have seen my chiro 2x this week and i may see her again tomorrow and maybe on fri. too. And I would agree that chiro's are NOT created equal. She has this stud working for her now and he's a man handler...he made me groan, "ugh, that was a big one!," one time in the office...and it's an open space too. So EVERYONE could hear me. ne ne ne ne.

It feels slightly better but there are certain positions....and a 2 year old fighting me every step of the way....to get clothes on, shoes on, to go bye bye, to get in the car seat....doesn't help.
And then there's the 7 year old who forgets and climbs on me...ugh.
And then the school gave me this giagantic box full of goods for my hubby and I was like, no way...I'm gonna have to carry that? Even on a good day...would have been better in 2 or 3 smaller boxes...but oh well. I can be a trooper right? And get it out to the troops.

So last night dd has ballet/tap and they danced to monster music with black lights on. That was fun.
Today was picture day at school....and my toddler had tumbling and they had all sorts of Halloweenish games to do and play but she was in a funk and said she wanted to go home. By the end she lightened up. But she has been OFF and I hope we can get to this weekend without anyone turning really ugly. (shush up bluey!)

Tomorrow somehow dd's school has chosen me to be one of the drivers to get the kids from school to the apple orchard. I would have volunteered anyway. And now it is rumored that there are children arguing about who will drive in my van and who will drive in the teachers car. DD said Alex wanted to come in my van. Anything but that. You should have seen them try to get his picture today. He kept his mouth open and wiggled his tongue.

So they'd tell him, mouth shut, nice smile...so he did and then he'd move his head from side to side. What a nut! That one kid took like 10 minutes to get his picture. In the mean time, Holly is attacking my dd and I keep thinking....no, you'll mess her hair! ha ha. ooooh kids. gotta love 'em.

So then since the school is small they are having a Halloween trunk or treating party on Fri. You decorate your trunk and the cars line up and the kids go trunk or treating... There will be a bon fire, chili & hot dogs & cocoa, hay ride, and games.

And my girls are acting off....so if I could get them through all of this so we could have the weekend to rest...that would be great.

My mom has started her painting of the background scenes at the local theater for the Christmas Carol play....the poor storefront is what she has started and the rich one will be next. I have helped her with the windows on the top since I'd rather climb a ladder and not her...and mixing paint and critiqueing things so she can have a person remind her about the corner wall she forgot, so it would have been awkward...and where to shade the door and what part would be lightened up because of the lamp post on the corner...

It's actually fun to do this when my toddler isn't having a fit. The first day, she gets on stage and puts her arms up and kicks her foot out and says, "welcome to the show!" and dances and leaps...and runs around all the aisles of chairs. Then we left to get big sister and they are going "backstage" and down ramps...

The another day my toddler is throwing her coat off, ripping her shoes and socks off and throwing them for no good reason? And it's not heated when people are not there and it is FREEZING! Then she gets her foot stuck in a metal seat and bleeds all over...had she had her shoes on...

and I put them on her time and time again and tell her socks on, it is cold and dirty, leave your socks on... And then I finally ignored her tantrum and went and helped my mom mix paints and I can hear her behind me, crying, "socks off! socks off!" So I finally turn around to look at her and she's got her face in the ground, kicking her feet, crying socks off! and her shoes and socks are off and thrown ahead of her.

so I say, Ava, your socks ARE off, so why are you still cryin about it?

So by the time she gets her foot caught in the chair and is bleeding, she is ready to put her socks and shoes back on.

I tell ya...


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