evil pie

Biopsy surgery scheduled for next Monday. It's big, about 25cm x 25 cm. If benign, will remove it, if not, will close back up and send her to oncologist.
oooh boo. I pray that it is something easily treatable and easily recovered from.

Thanks bluey...what a guy. Taps ya on your head but you'll have to bend over so I can reach.

hey...i answered more thoroughly in woot woot thread page 26-27.

you were saying there, if they don't stop and measure....they stopped and measured quite a bit. i'm nervous.

i'm still in pain but i only took one pain pill on mon. and none today.

I'm pretty sore and stiff and I'm woozy. I don't like none of this.

I will have more answers on fri.

Everything went well with my sister today. It was a huge cyst and it had over a gallon of fluid in it that was drained out and then removed. She is staying the night in hosp and will be released in the afternoon.
thanks for the prayers!
WOW a gallon?
Yup, a whole gallon, little more. Sis is fine though, got released first thing next morn, my other sister gave her a ride home and spent the night with her, and then today brought her back to my house so she could pick up her truck and she is making the hour drive back to her house right now. She was so miserable with that big ole thing in her, she feels so much better now, even the stitches do not hurt. But she knows to take it easy, and she's going to rest when she gets home. It was as big as a newborn baby. So, if you can imagine being in your ninth month of pregnancy, but being like that for well over 6 months, you can imagine her discomfort and how much better she feels now.

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