Evil Squirrels


7 Years
Aug 16, 2012
Here, there, and everywhere
A couple of days ago I found a shattered egg in a nesting box and outside the pen I found eggshell pieces. Yesterday I saw a squirrel crawl out of my nesting box area. I've tried a pellet gun, a snare, and even a big mouse trap. so far no luck. anybody have any advice. anyway to snare, trap, or kill. Going to try a shotgun tomorrow but I would like a backup plan as well.

We 'jumped' a squirrel in our run yesterday! It was making a meal of seed and medicated
chick-food. Once found out, it refused leave until my lovely better 3/4s began getting close
with the rocks she was throwing. Then came the frantic call about a "...killer in the coop!"

Yesterday evening I improved our chicken wire setup so as to disallow (where possible)
squirrel access. We'll see how effective my measures are.

Question: Will a squirrel attack/kill a chicken?

I've not heard of such a thing, but given yesterday's activities, it begs the question.

Walnut Creek, CA
My DH bought me a semi-automatic CO2 pellet gun - 12 shot. I have killed dozens of squirrels. Sometimes requires two or three shots if you don't hit them just right the first time, but it works like a charm. I am convinced that they have been eating my eggs lately - usually my little bantam's eggs but twice this week there have been eggs broken in the nesting boxes and what looks like chewed up and spit out shell. We have had company for three weeks and I haven't been outside as much as normal so I seriously suspect those darn squirrels. Time to take my coffee and gun out on the deck in the mornings.
The great thing about a pellet gun is... In most locals its - legally - not a gun! In many places that means it can be
comped and silenced; serious considerations for, umm... less than optimal "hunting considerations". (e.g. Within city
limits...) It also means the neighbors won't hear the report. (Muy importante, me thinks?)

Instead, they'll think Rocky "slipped" and fell 35' from the upper branches of the local black walnut tree to his untimely
demise. (Just say'n.) That's not to say that your city ordinances don't disallow shooting pellet rifles within city limits.
Better to check and be careful (than be sorry).


If you're looking (and I'm NOT in the industry) a couple of quality PCP (pre-charged pneumatic) brands to consider:
Airforce, Hamerli, and Benjamin. They're not inexpensive. But they're WOW better than the old Daisy or Red Rider
rifles from the 50s.

Your squirrels won't know whats hit'm!

Walnut Creek, CA

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