ewww mites!


7 Years
Jul 17, 2012
Seattle, WA
Ewww, I just found mites on my chicks AND a few of my laying hens. gross! how can I get rid of them quickly? Im already using DE so I obviously need something stronger. Im not opposed to using "medications" I just want to be sure I can use them on both the adults and chicks.

Where can I buy Mereks vaccine online? I'd like to vaccinate my chicks? Im an RN and believe in vaccines so dont want to start a debate, just need a resource.

Also considering worming the whole flock since I have never done it before. Again, no home remedies (Im already using ACV in the water for prevention.

Thanks so much, I dont know what I would do without BYC!!
Hi what kind of mites are they??? If they are Scaly Leg Mites that live under the scales of your hens feet then you can smear Vaseline over there legs at night, this suffocates the mites and kills them, but the rough scales wont look new and better until next fall when the hens grow in a new set.
If they are red mites you can get mite powders and sprays from you Local Feed store and just follow the instructions, but remember with red mites you have to clean out the whole roosting area with a disinfectant and them wash it all down and maybe add a little left over powder or spray onto the perches.
Hope this helps.
Could you help me though, i want to know how often you put the ACV in their water???
Hi what kind of mites are they??? If they are Scaly Leg Mites that live under the scales of your hens feet then you can smear Vaseline over there legs at night, this suffocates the mites and kills them, but the rough scales wont look new and better until next fall when the hens grow in a new set.
If they are red mites you can get mite powders and sprays from you Local Feed store and just follow the instructions, but remember with red mites you have to clean out the whole roosting area with a disinfectant and them wash it all down and maybe add a little left over powder or spray onto the perches.
Hope this helps.
Could you help me though, i want to know how often you put the ACV in their water???
I use ACV in my water everytime i refill it. It stays in their waterer all the time. The OP said she saw mites on the chicken so its not scaly leg mites.
Ewww, I just found mites on my chicks AND a few of my laying hens. gross! how can I get rid of them quickly? Im already using DE so I obviously need something stronger. Im not opposed to using "medications" I just want to be sure I can use them on both the adults and chicks.

Where can I buy Mereks vaccine online? I'd like to vaccinate my chicks? Im an RN and believe in vaccines so dont want to start a debate, just need a resource.

Also considering worming the whole flock since I have never done it before. Again, no home remedies (Im already using ACV in the water for prevention.

Thanks so much, I dont know what I would do without BYC!!
I use poultry dust on both adults and chicks, but I do put a little less on the chicks. You can get the dust at TSC.


I've used both of these:

Try permethryn ( or permethrin ) to treat your chickens for mites/lice, you will need to spray their housing with the liquid and you can use the powder to dust them with... especially under the wings and around the vent areas.

You can try albendazole for worming your flock - lots of work but very worthwhile.

p.s. I use ACV every day when I replenish their fresh water supply.
Perfect, thanks!

I just ordered some poultry mite dust on Amazon, should be here in a few days. I am tempted to spray the adult hens with some "OFF", It has Deet in it which Im not a huge fan of but Im so grossed out I really just want to try it.

The mites were yellowish/beige flea size bugs crawling around on the chickens skin under the feathers. yuck!

Yes, I add a few glugs of ACV to their 5 gallon waterer every time I fill it.

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