ewww mites!

I did not comment about tea tree oil as it is something I use for abrasions on my dogs - not something I have ever considered to use with chickens - the smell is strong and I would not subject my chickens to breathing in this and also other chickens may peck and ingest the oil from the body and feathers.of those treated.

Just my opinion

I did not comment about tea tree oil as it is something I use for abrasions on my dogs - not something I have ever considered to use with chickens - the smell is strong and I would not subject my chickens to breathing in this and also other chickens may peck and ingest the oil from the body and feathers.of those treated.

Just my opinion


Well i think it's an all round no, so i guess i shall no use it.
Thanks for all the advice everyone! I did a thorough cleaning of the coop and dusted all the hens and chicks with Sevin because it was what was available. I made a "powder puff" by poking a few holes in the toe of an old sock. This made it really easy to powder the underside of the wings and vent and chest area of everyone. I checked them a few days later and I dont see any more creepy crawly lice. I will reapeat in 1 week and then possibly in one more week to kill any remaining eggs/lice. I sure hope that is the last of it!
I haven't had to treat for small bugs yet but i've provided my hens with woodstove ash to dust bath in. it's sifted for larger pieces and stored for a while prior to use to ensure no hot ambers are left.
I've been told that fine dust helps with bugs.
i am also thinking we have mites... havent seen any on them but the eggs have funny reddish spots on them and i was told that means mite activity. these are buckeye hens and comet hens.
We have a real problem with sparrows coming in daily to raid the feeders and they are in and out of the nest boxes and the coup in general... so i feel that the mites come from them. Although our chickens free range we have had this problem before they free ranged in the past with other chickens and even though we thoroughly cleaned and sprayed the whole coup down they are back now after being free of them for months...
the rooster has red bumps begining on his legs at the top of the yellow part after the skin stops. And a hen has swollen red on her comb and eye areas... maybe its something else. BUt this weekend is suppose to be in 40s so we are going to clean it all out again and try to figure out how to keep sparrows out...
i am also thinking we have mites... havent seen any on them but the eggs have funny reddish spots on them and i was told that means mite activity. these are buckeye hens and comet hens.
We have a real problem with sparrows coming in daily to raid the feeders and they are in and out of the nest boxes and the coup in general... so i feel that the mites come from them. Although our chickens free range we have had this problem before they free ranged in the past with other chickens and even though we thoroughly cleaned and sprayed the whole coup down they are back now after being free of them for months...
the rooster has red bumps begining on his legs at the top of the yellow part after the skin stops. And a hen has swollen red on her comb and eye areas... maybe its something else. BUt this weekend is suppose to be in 40s so we are going to clean it all out again and try to figure out how to keep sparrows out...

There are a couple of things you might try:

Treadle feeder that the sparrows cannot operate but the chickens can (you can build your own- Gallo del Cielo has plans on his BYC page I think- or buy one).

Cut a vinyl clear shower curtain into strips to hang over the pop door of the coop, so the chickens walk through the strips of it (you have to train them) and hopefully the sparrows stay out.

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