Excessive stretching? + Jumping/trying to fly. Is it too early?


Dec 30, 2018
Really stupid question. I'm sure I'm just paranoid, but I'd like to settle my nerves anyway.

Oogity Boogity hatched Sunday evening. Yesterday morning he began to get a little too smart. He's already trying to fly, and is jumping across the brooder. I thought he was too young for either of those things? He also has wing feathers already. (They just came out of their 'tube' this morning. I thought they didn't get feathers like that until much later)

Also, he's obsessed with stretching his right leg behind him. I do yoga, and he stretches it more than I do. Every time you look at him he stretches it two or three times. he's also way more stable on his legs than the other babies when it comes to stretching. That's not a sign of something wrong, right? I had a cockatiel ages ago, and her stretching was related to a muscle issue she had. I just want to be sure he doesn't have the same thing.

The breeder I bought from says he's a black copper marans if that helps.

I know I'm over worrying, sorry! I've never had chickens before, and my anxiety is through the roof this month. My therapist says to ask questions so I don't stress myself out, so that's what I'm doing.
Sounds like your chick is testing it's limbs ... Don't stress & enjoy.
Chickens are social animals, hope yours has a buddy to keep it company, you may want to get at least one more ... It's fun watching them get crazy.
Ohh, if that's true then I may have 3 males. As long as it's normal! :)

Is the feather growth/jumping this young also normal?
Thanks! I've raised felines my entire life. Birds are a whole new ballpark. Things I would apply to kittens do NOT apply to chickens and it's confusing! Oogity is already old enough that he insists on riding on my shoulder. I had to panic and research falls when it became clear that was the ONLY place to be. It's like raising fuzzy aliens!

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