EXCUSE ME, where is the shell, ma’am?!?


Jun 5, 2021
So we have 4 laying hens (1yr.) and 28 ten week old chicks.
Generally, we get 3-4 eggs a day from the laying girls, but lately we’ve been getting 2.

So today, there I am, hanging out, feeding the girls mealworms, when all of a sudden, CHAD SQUAT DOWN RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND LAID AN EGG WITH NO SHELL


(also yes, her name is Chad)


This would be Chad, Layer of Jelly Butt-Nuggets

it was the whole egg, covered in the membrane, NO FRICKEN SHELL

so of course, Karen rushes over and gets one peck in while I am staring in horror, trying to process what Chad just plopped out at my feet.
I shoo them all away and get the butt nugget from hell out, BUT WHAT THE HELL MAN

I’ve heard of this, but I never expected or experienced this

So Im wondering if this is why we’ve been finding two eggs??
Maybe Chad’s been laying these tasty treats lately and everyone has helped themselves?

What the hell is going on and what do I do??
Watch ya mouth, Thanks.
What do you feed them? Sometimes it's low calcium that causes this, sometimes it's just a glitch in system. Does she seem off in anyway besides this?
Sorry, I was just being silly since this was horrifying and a little funny :D
We feed layer feed and oyster shell (although we’re not sure they really like the oyster shell)
She seems totally fine, but my sister thought one of the hens shells seemed thin (I’m newer to chickens, so to me, the shells seem plenty thick because they’re thicker than store bought ones)
Just keep offering OS in another dish, they'll eat it as needed. It may seem like they're not eating but they do. Assuming Chad is a Roo ... It's been said that Roos/chicks should not be eating Layer due to the increased calcium, which can cause liver/kidney issues. Although some say it's fine, I changed from layer to Flock Raiser (or any multi flock feed) offering the OS and grit in separate dishes to be eaten as needed. Never had any shell issues. IF it's a newbie laying the shell - less egg, it does happen occasionally ... Their egg productive system adjusting it's sell. IF it's happening to a certain layer, she may have some reproductive issues, you can give her some crushed up calcium/Tums as a quick fix for a few days.
Just keep offering OS in another dish, they'll eat it as needed. It may seem like they're not eating but they do. Assuming Chad is a Roo ... It's been said that Roos/chicks should not be eating Layer due to the increased calcium, which can cause liver/kidney issues. Although some say it's fine, I changed from layer to Flock Raiser (or any multi flock feed) offering the OS and grit in separate dishes to be eaten as needed. Never had any shell issues. IF it's a newbie laying the shell - less egg, it does happen occasionally ... Their egg productive system adjusting it's sell. IF it's happening to a certain layer, she may have some reproductive issues, you can give her some crushed up calcium/Tums as a quick fix for a few days.
Chad is actually the hen with the shell-less egg!
and tums - I didn’t think of that! That’s a good idea!
Is it terrible that I found your post so funny?:gig And uh, yeah. Sounds like a calcium deficiency. I had a hen do this ( no clue who though, just found the egg ) and everyone in my flock is fine so...... Good luck!
Sorry, I was just being silly since this was horrifying and a little funny :D
We feed layer feed and oyster shell (although we’re not sure they really like the oyster shell)
She seems totally fine, but my sister thought one of the hens shells seemed thin (I’m newer to chickens, so to me, the shells seem plenty thick because they’re thicker than store bought ones)
Sorry, I was just being silly since this was horrifying and a little funny :D
We feed layer feed and oyster shell (although we’re not sure they really like the oyster shell)
She seems totally fine, but my sister thought one of the hens shells seemed thin (I’m newer to chickens, so to me, the shells seem plenty thick because they’re thicker than store bought ones)
I wouldn’t worry about it; lots of people express themselves that way. Hell is not a bad word so please; express your frustration. It’s not offensive.

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