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Greetings! It was productive! I canned 7 pints of green beans and 11 pints of spaghetti sauce (my own recipe), spent some time with my bottle calves "Missy" and "Junior," picked up my car from the mechanic (that's another story worthy of its own thread LOL), and let the first-time momma cat win our battle of wills over where she wanted to hide her kittens (under my bed. sigh.)
How about yours?
Greetings! It was productive! I canned 7 pints of green beans and 11 pints of spaghetti sauce (my own recipe), spent some time with my bottle calves "Missy" and "Junior," picked up my car from the mechanic (that's another story worthy of its own thread LOL), and let the first-time momma cat win our battle of wills over where she wanted to hide her kittens (under my bed. sigh.)
How about yours?
wow, amazing! Mine was long. I work at a food bank, so that meant sorting onions and carrots into boxes and handing them out. Its actually a cool experience.

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