Expanded Flock Dilemma.

Gene McCarthy

Sep 27, 2017
We have a 12 x 20 former chainlink dog run converted to a chicken run. The coop is inside at one end. It was built seven years ago to contain 6 hens raised from baby chicks. Only two girls remain out of the original group. A friend trying to be nice, unbeknownst to us purchased and shipped 15 assorted baby chicks to our address. We were totally shocked! Our problem is the existing coop is only able to roost 6 to 8 birds maximum. I am seeking suggestions. Attached are photos of the chainlink run and the coop. Should I have two coops inside or cut through the chainlink and attached a commercially made coop. Would two coops confuse the hens?


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Honestly I'd sell the vast majority of the birds that were given to you. I don't mean to seem rude but that was very presumptuous of your friends. They clearly know nothing about chickens. Maybe their hearts were in the right place but that doesn't mean that you need to take the brunt of this.

Generally speaking unless the birds are physically separated from one another they will form a single flock and they will always want to roost together. Which means they will try to cram themselves into a space that's too small for them all.
Honestly I'd sell the vast majority of the birds that were given to you. I don't mean to seem rude but that was very presumptuous of your friends. They clearly know nothing about chickens. Maybe their hearts were in the right place but that doesn't mean that you need to take the brunt of this.

Generally speaking unless the birds are physically separated from one another they will form a single flock and they will always want to roost together. Which means they will try to cram themselves into a space that's too small for them all.
Dobie lover
I spoke to the gifting friends and suggested they become chicken owners for half the chicks they gave us. I even agreed to help them construct a run and a coop. Meanwhile I’ll raise them to the pullet stage. Thank you for your kind response.

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