Expectantly waiting


10 Years
Sep 7, 2009
Catalonia, Spain
It's come round to that time again. Over a week ago I started to collect eggs and store them to wait for a broody hen and it wasn't long before I had to wait. A couple of days ago one decided it was time to go broody, by this time I'd collected 9 eggs (a couple of days I'd put aside two not just one). So I have a hen setting nine eggs right now, never had that many eggs under a hen at a time before! Usually if there was a broody hen I just put whatever eggs had been laid in a 24h period, which is usually less than 9!

So, they're due on 23rd March, there or thereabouts. And as per usual it doesn't come soon enough! I get so impatient. I sometimes wonder if I'll ever get over the excitment, but I think if I did that I wouldn't have chicken any more!

Well here's the hen in charge of the eggs, Hazel. We bought her three years ago and last year she co-mothered a chick with another hen. Caring and formidable (she's ferocious if her chicks are approached!) I think she'll do well this year.


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She's perfectly happy where she is. We've created a space with straw bales around her, covered with a wooden board.

She may look lovely but she's viscious! Last year when I tried to get her chick she'd attack me! It didn't help that she was co-mothering with a hen equally vicious. Not good for my hand but very good for the chicks
'scuse my French but poobumwotsit!

Just candled the eggs and found only one of them has developed. I put too many eggs under the hen at the beginning I think. Won't be so greedy next time
Yay for you!!! I am also a - waiting some chicks from a broody cochin bantam hen ...
I feel for you!!!
The due date for mine is March 29th and March 30th. She started out with 6 eggs but we were out of town last weekend and when we got back 2 eggs were stone cold. So she is left with: 2 green eggs 1 Buff Orpington egg and 1 bantam egg!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me ...
my hen is due about the same time she is a frizzle turken she has been in with the silkie roo so umm no idea whats going to hatch

if you look closely you can see her beak

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