Expert opinions on this coop?


9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
I hope I'm posting this in the right spot.
I'm new here, and this is my first post!

We are considering chickens in our backyard, and doing lots of research right now. We are in a suburban neighborhood and thinking 4 hens or so for eggs, not sure what kind yet. I saw this on Craiglist and it looks nice to us, but what do we know? I'd appreciate any insight you can offer. Thanks!
grab it quick

and welcome!

ETA: True, it's a bit small, but a great place to start from. My guess is that the lumber cost easily $100, so you're half way there. To conserve space, I'd build nest boxes on the exterior, put food in a wall mounted dish and cover the run. This would be big enough for 2-3 standards - max. If you decided that you wanted to get more birds and build a bigger coop, you would easily be able to sell this for what you paid for it.
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wow, not a bad price at all! even with the delivery charge that is wonderful!

btw, when using CL if you are looking for hens later, use caution. some people are not very trustworthy with what they have and being new to chickens you may get a rooster instead of a laying hen/pullet if they think they can pass it off on you. some sellers are legit though but don't let someone push you into taking them if you don't feel right about it. i'd stick to those close to you and if they are on BYC that you know before buying from CL.
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Most of the information I have read says you need 4 square feet per bird. Assuming I did the math right this would hold 2.25 birds so you could maybe get by with 3 birds depending on your location. If they are locked up during the winter that could get crowded. It looks nice for a backyard coop.
It looks nice but I agree with fasbendera, I wouldn't put more than 2 birds in that space. Being cramped in causes feather picking.
Oh and by the way
from Ohio. I think you will like it here.
Thanks for all the wonderful, helpful replies!! I'm taking a class at Denver Urban Homesteaders in a couple of weeks and I'm so excited! I read the 4 ft thing too and was confused why this said I could put more birds in there, I'm so glad I decided to ask for advice. We want happy chickens. Need to research more how many and what breed birds we want. Thanks for the tip on CL, we could have fallen for that!

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