~Explain!~ A snazzy guessing game.


May 2, 2015
Somewhere off with my birds.
Okay, so this game pretty much goes like this. You take a screenshot of a scene from an animated show or a comic you like and have someone who doesn't watch it try an explain what's happening in the scene. When you try and explain you have to post your own and so on, and hopefully we will all get some laughs!
I'll start!

Someone who doesn't watch Steven Universe, explain this scene.
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Everyone always ignores the fact he is using a lion as a couch

Uhm, an angry chickadee screams at his neighbor because he dislikes the fact his neighbor has knees like a human.

Gonna have to do Steven Universe again cause there is too many gloriously strange scenes.

A couple kissing, a little girl freaked out, a woman trying to give a dead turkey a bath in the toilet, two men strangling each other and a boy begging for a skate board Proboly.

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